Tuesday 6 July 2021

I Think We've Eliminated All Problems...

Amazon is being urged to rename its personal assistant...

Oh, my mistake! 

...because girls also named Alexa are being relentlessly bullied by other schoolchildren, their parents say.

Schoolchildren bully other schoolchildren? Why, this is unheard of! 

The assistant's granting of a name shared by real people has resulted in movements such as 'Alexa is a Human' — which is lobbying Amazon to reconsider the choice. There are some 4,000 individuals named Alexa under the age of 25 in the UK alone — many of whom report experiencing mockery thanks to their digital namesake.

People must be protected from mockery at all costs! Forget protecting them from crime, disease or avoidable accidents, this is far more important... 

'Alexa is a Human' is the initiative of Massachusetts resident Lauren Johnson, who was moved to act after the distress experienced by her own daughter.
'My daughter Alexa is nine now. The whole thing is a step beyond 'normal' teasing and bullying. It's identity erasure,' Ms Johnson told BBC News.

Gosh, I don't know why the Americans - and particularly, liberal women - have a reputation for being overly-dramatic flakes, do you, Reader?  

Critics of Amazon have suggested that the tech firm has not sufficiently advertised the fact that the wake word for their devices can be changed.

Read the f***ing manual! 


  1. And if that doesn't work, Read ALL the F**king Manual. (Old programmer's saying).

  2. Or use your middle name or refer to yourself as Alexandra. Or punch the bullies in the face.

    There are choices, but no 'no cost' choices.

  3. If they think that they have problems they should go and talk to Isis.

  4. Wow what a wonderful world some people live in. I wish some of my problems we as onerous as this.

  5. BTW what happens when our niggers feel empowered ? Jewish man abused twice in an hour on London transport network

    Yochai was first abused while sitting on a bus at 23:40 BST on Saturday by a black man wearing a red, white and navy blue T-shirt and shorts and red trainers. He shouted "free Palestine" as he got off the bus.

    6 July 2021 at 11:55

  6. Why isn't there some lawyer who is prepared to sue Amazon on a "no win, no fee" basis?

  7. @Anon 11.55 & 16.11,

    Less of the 'our' please. They certainly aren't mine.

    Otherwise uptick.

  8. "And if that doesn't work, Read ALL the F**king Manual. "

    We've become lazy, thinking 'if it goes wrong, I'll just Google it'.

    "Wow what a wonderful world some people live in. I wish some of my problems we as onerous as this."

    Me too!

    "Why isn't there some lawyer who is prepared to sue Amazon on a "no win, no fee" basis?"

    It's America. There will be!
