Wednesday 7 July 2021

Third Time's The Charm...

A man has been found guilty of stabbing a teenager in a brutal attack on a London bus.
Arslan Ahmed, 20, from Waltham Forest was convicted of one count of GBH and two counts of GBH with intent at Snaresbrook Crown Court on Tuesday June, 22.

So far, so vibrant and enriching. But this isn't his first rodeo by far... 

Just a few months earlier, Ahmed also stabbed a 17-year-old boy in the neck in an unprovoked attack.
In October 2019 he was involved in another incident in Bradford, West Yorkshire, in which a man was attacked and stabbed.

And he's only 20. 

Sentencing for all three offences is due to be heard at Snaresbrook Crown Court on Tuesday, October 5.

Don't rush, eh? Got to get all those reports in order, I suppose... 

H/T: ClownWorld via Twitter


  1. What a joy it is that our government does nothing to really curb immigration and every day brings more boat loads across the channel to our shores.

  2. And with the weather improving, that's going to increase tenfold... 😒
