Saturday 24 July 2021

He's Not The Only One Who F****d Up, Is He?

A mentally ill man has pleaded guilty to killing his mother’s boyfriend. Nicholas Jones, 34, from Croydon, was accused over the death of 45-year-old Paul McCarroll, on November 20 last year.
On Monday, Jones denied murder but pleaded guilty to the lesser charge of manslaughter.
Prosecutor Charlotte Newell QC said the Crown accepted the plea in light of two psychiatric reports.

Seems a bit...light on detail, doesn't it? 

Nicholas Jones, 34, knifed 45-year-old Paul McCarroll at the family home in Oaks Road, Kenley, south London on November 21, last year. The victim had been in a relationship with Jones' mother for around 12 years before the killing, the Old Bailey heard. They were lying in bed together when Jones stormed into the bedroom and plunged a blade into Mr McCarroll's torso shortly before 6pm, prosecutors claim.
Prosecutor Joel Smith told an earlier hearing Jones had a "working diagnosis" of paranoid schizophrenia and had spoken of hearing voices before the attack. He said Jones was known to mental health services and thought to be suffering a serious psychiatric illness.
"Less than a month before this incident those treating him called police because he threatened to burn down their offices because he believed he had been misdiagnosed," said Mr Smith.
The court heard that after the stabbing Jones was "topless and shoeless in the street shouting his postcode and saying in his words he had f----d up."

He's clearly not the only one... 


  1. Poor old Jones, if he lived in my area the police wouldn't bother him. We had a neighbour stabbed to death awhile ago and after a few days flapping around the police stated be had been stabbed to death by accident, so no further action needed. Well that cleared it up quick, easy and cheap didn't it, feet up, fag on and another cup of tea boys?

  2. "We had a neighbour stabbed to death awhile ago and after a few days flapping around the police stated be had been stabbed to death by accident..."

