Friday 23 July 2021

More Judges Like Judge Levett Please!

A jealous former trainee jockey who brutally stabbed and strangled his ex-girlfriend at her Suffolk home in front of her three-old-son has been ordered to serve 30 years of a life sentence.


Judge Levett said her death had nothing to do with his mental health or anti-depressant medication he’d been prescribed but because he was “a violent, controlling, selfish bully which he’d always been and probably always would be”.

High five, your honour! 

Keir Monteith QC for Jessop said his client had loved Miss Nash and was sorry for killing her.
He said Jessop had been suffering from depression and a personality disorder and his culpability for the killing should be reduced because of the state of his mental health.

I wonder how long he thought about it..? About a nanosecond, I bet. 

He said Jessop had been forced to self-isolate in prison because he’d been bullied and threatened and his future was “bleak.”

His victim doesn't have a future. Time for this again...

H/T: CJ Nerd via email


  1. I give a fuck.

    Why the hell is the tax money extorted from me by the government going to keep this bastard alive?

  2. Fabulous graphic, AM!

    I've 'borrowed' it for a post on the Biased BBC site - hope you don't mind!

    Good story too, we know a few Levetts, and some of them are sturdy Brits!

  3. Sorry, that should have been AP...doh...

  4. Trainee jockey?
    So therefore a bit challenged in the elevation and avoirdupois metrics?
    Did they give him a podium in the dock.
    I am having trouble imagining him thriving in gaol.

  5. By the way, 'n' that, nice to see your GAFO meter again.
    That and your neeniest, weeniest violin were always put to good use.

  6. Don't worry folks, the legal profession, legally aided and paid by your taxes are probably even now beating a path to his cell door to mount an appeal. It's highly likely the poor lamb won't serve the full sentence and could well be out killing again soon.

  7. "Why the hell is the tax money extorted from me by the government going to keep this bastard alive?"

    Good point!

    "Fabulous graphic, AM!

    I've 'borrowed' it for a post on the Biased BBC site - hope you don't mind!"

    Fill your boots! 😁

    "I am having trouble imagining him thriving in gaol."

    I'm having a great deal of pleasure imagining that!
