Wednesday 21 July 2021

Hey, Priti, If You're Really Serious About This...

Wolf whistling and catcalling could be made a crime under government plans to outlaw 'public sexual harassment'.

...then stop importing people from a culture that indulges in it.

The Home Secretary said: 'It is unacceptable that women are still subject to harassment, abuse, and violence, and I do not accept that violence against women and girls is inevitable.'

What else could it be, when 430 arrive in one day?


  1. My personal preference would be to sink the boats and machine-gun the people on board, but the fundamental problem is that there is a legal and moral duty to rescue 'distressed mariners'. WHat we should be doing is shipping the bastards back to where they came from.

  2. ?? Less a British import than a French export.

  3. Priti Patel, probably the worst political joke I have seen for decades. A true blow hard, do nothing greasey pole climber if I ever saw one.

  4. As there is now evidence that the French navy is deliberately escorting these invaders into Brith waters and leaving them to the Border Farce and RNLI, why not seize the ships and arrest the Captain for people smuggling. Britain has paid millions to the French to stop these boats. It seems the people smugglers are paying them more.

  5. "WHat we should be doing is shipping the bastards back to where they came from."

    Instead we're paying them money to do what they aren't doing. I guess Priti thinks the French Navy are part of the UK Civil Service...

    "Priti Patel, probably the worst political joke I have seen for decades."

    She's making Teresa May look good!

    " Britain has paid millions to the French to stop these boats. It seems the people smugglers are paying them more."

    Or the French know what it'll cost them to keep these animals long-term.
