Wednesday 21 July 2021

True, But Doubtless, For The Better...

A stoned mother-of-three who filmed herself on Snapchat speeding along the M60 at 88mph before crashing her VW Golf into a barrier has been spared jail after claiming her children would be 'impacted' by her imprisonment.


Tests showed Ward, who suffered spinal injuries in the impact, was four times the drug driving limit for cannabis. She was serving a 40 month ban for a previous drink and drug driving conviction.

Well, that worked out well, eh? 

At Minshull Street Crown Court...

Oh dear... 

...Ward pleaded guilty to drug driving, driving whilst disqualified and having no insurance.

So the heavy hand of the justice system should come down on her like a ton of bricks. Shouldn't it? 

She was given 12 months jail suspended for two years after she wept while pleading that children would be 'impacted' if she went to prison. The children are currently in the care of their paternal grandparents.

At least they aren't living with her. Small meries! 

In mitigation, defence counsel Sarah Johnston said her client spent 12 weeks in hospital and was being assessed for PTSD.

Remember when 'PTSD' was the new name for shell shock, and affected mainly soldiers? Ahh, nostalgia! 

'She is a mother of three children. The children are subject to a special guardianship order in favour of their paternal grandparents.
'There have been ongoing concerns about her vulnerability throughout her life but she still sees her children regularly and is allowed to visit them.
'The consequences of that decision making in the past have never been as grave as they are on this occasion. If this defendant hasn't learnt her lesson from this set of circumstances, then frankly, no one ever would.'

I am only surprised the court didn't erupt with laughter at that. Maybe it did. 


  1. Again, how on Earth do you avoid jail after that lot. As a law abiding bloke with no kids and no mental tosh to fall back on, I'd have been jailed 40 months for the first offence, not just banned from driving

  2. What is the point of driving bans if people can just ignore them with impunity?
    "...her children would be 'impacted' by her imprisonment."

    Yes and? These children are your responsibility. It's your responsibility not to get a driving ban and then carry on driving, stoned and like a complete idiot. It's totally on you.

  3. The UK justice system at it's very best. Don't forget there was probably little or no money to be made by jailing her and today justice is more about revenue gathering than anything else. Now keep an eye open and you will probably see pensioners dragged to court for not having a TV licence and fined heavily. That could prove just what the justice system is really all about and it certainly isn't justice.

  4. Couldn't we just dig up her parents and fine them for failing to drown their offspring at birth?

  5. @Anon 16:24
    I continue to point out that this country does not have a justice system: we never did in the past, we don't now, and it's very unlikely that we will have one in the future.

    What we do have is a legal system. This system is for the benefit of those who are a part of it and those who make the laws which the legal system administrates.

    Rarely does the law have anything to do with justice; the times when they are co-incident are mere happenchance. Nothing more, nothing less.

  6. "Again, how on Earth do you avoid jail after that lot. "

    'Have a vagina', apparently...

    "Couldn't we just dig up her parents and fine them for failing to drown their offspring at birth?"

