Saturday 17 July 2021

It Took Them Two Years...

...but they finally realised what a liar he was:

Ministers are being urged to levy a £3bn sugar and salt tax as part of a “once-in-a-lifetime opportunity” to break Britain’s addiction to junk food, cut meat consumption by nearly a third and help tackle climate change.
The government-commissioned National Food Strategy, drawn up by the restaurateur Henry Dimbleby, says the UK population’s “malfunctioning” appetites and poor diets – fuelled by consumer and manufacturer’s reliance on processed food – place an unsustainable burden on the NHS and contribute to 64,000 deaths each year.
Its most eye-catching recommendation is a levy of £3 a kilo on sugar and £6 a kilo on salt sold wholesale for use in processed food, restaurants and catering, which it says would be a world first.
He's going to agree, isn't he? Despite what he says now...
The strategy rules out a meat tax, which proved much more unpopular in a survey than the salt and sugar taxes, calling it “politically impossible”.

At the moment. But if the Blond Blancmange gives in to this, or brings it in bit by bit by stealth once the fuss dies down, it'll be back on the cards faster than you can say 'Another helping of tofu, Granny?'... 


  1. In other words, force people to eat the junk they approve of instead of what those people want.

    I do not really take the 'obesity crisis' seriously. In most cases they're simply saying, 'Your appearance doesn't fit the current fashion. Fix it.' As far as I'm concerned, people should eat what they wish.

    Except perhaps for long pig.

  2. At the last general election, for the first time in my 62 years of life, I spoiled the ballot. I just couldn't bring myself to vote for any of the utter scumbags on offer. My decision not to vote for the slightly less repellant than the others party has been thoroughly vindicated ever since. I have sympathy for those who did manage to hold their noses and vote for the least stinky party. Was any of this absurd green crap in their manifesto? Was any of this taxing of evil food to save the NHS money in their manifesto? Was there a choice to reclaim the tens of thousands that every one of us has paid towards the NHS and to use it to pay for our own healthcare so that we don't have to put up with their hectoring, in their manifesto?

    Max the cat doesn't get hassled by the vet about his diet or his sedentary lifestyle.

  3. 'Tackle climate change'. They mean, 'tackle climate'. It changes regardless of us. We can't affect how the climate is changing, whether we wanted to or not. Affecting humans however, is possible. Humans will be changed, our numbers, our freedom. Because they hate us.

  4. "In other words, force people to eat the junk they approve of instead of what those people want."

    As an adult, I expect to elect a government, not a parent...

    "...for the first time in my 62 years of life, I spoiled the ballot. I just couldn't bring myself to vote for any of the utter scumbags on offer."

    I've always voted. I'm beginning to wonder if doing so makes me part of the problem, not the solution.

    "It changes regardless of us."

    It's the ultimate example of human hubris to think we have that effect.
