Friday 16 July 2021

Sentences You Have To Read Three Times...

Detectives investigating a severed foot found on a pathway more than two years ago have asked any women who are missing one to come forward.
...and they still don't really make sense.
It was found on a footpath in New Waltham, on the outskirts of Grimsby, in April 2019. Humberside Police have also tried forensic testing and DNA analysis but have been unable to find a match for the discovery, which is believed to have come from a woman aged over 16 who is around 5ft 2in tall.

Do they think this person is still alive? appears they think they might be! 

Detective Chief Inspector Alan Curtis has now put out an appeal to speak to any woman in the area who has had her left foot amputated privately since 2014.
‘One line of inquiry is that the foot may have been clinical waste from a medical procedure.’
‘If you have had such a medical procedure in the past eight years, whether through the NHS or through private medical services, I would ask you to call us.’



  1. I suspect that the police's line of questioning here might be down to the matter of how the foot was detached. If it looks as it has been detached by someone with obvious surgical skill, and the foot cannot be linked to any known or suspected murder case, then there is some logic in this line being taken by the police.

    It's quite possible that the police have investigated this case enough to realise that the foot is less likely come from a murder case than from some other action. There are three scenarios that spring to mind as to how this foot could have come to be where it was. The first is that this is a medical student's prank gone wrong or a student's 'trophy' gone missing. The second is this foot was in the possession of the foot's original owner who lost it and hasn't yet come forward. The third and most serious of the scenarios is that a company licensed to handle medical waste has mishandled such waste or they have an employee who has 'gone rouge',seen the foot and decided 'that would look good on my wall in a jar of formaldahyde'.

    This might be an odd case but I can see some justification for the line of questioning the police are taking.

  2. " you put your left foot in , your left out, you do the hokey-cokey and you turn around"

  3. 5’2”? Was that before or after?

  4. Well we had a neighbour stabbed to death a while ago and the police said he was stabbed by accident. That cleared up a possible murder case quickly and cheaply. I suspect the police here don't want the work or expense of a big enquiry and are looking for a cheap and easy way out of one. UK police, anything short of actually doing the job.

  5. Lost a foot? We need to know, so hop to it!

  6. Hopping for a positive outcome, Jaded? In a 'service' seemingly bereft of brains, that single GCE in Basket Weaving should keep the rest of your plod squad on 'there' toes.

  7. "...I can see some justification for the line of questioning the police are taking."

    It seems to have taken them a rather long time to come to this possibility, though?

    "5’2”? Was that before or after?"


    "Saudi jaywalker?"

    Oh, very good!
