Monday 19 July 2021

She Must Have Had A Big Freezer Then...

A pet owner who stabbed her cat up to ten times while she was drunk sported a grin and gave a thumbs up outside court as she was spared jail last week.

Incredibly, the pet survived

She then dumped the critically ill feline inside her kitchen freezer alongside her frozen ready meals before she called the police to confess.
Officers heard the distressed cat meowing from inside the freezer when they arrived at Bennett's home and found the pet had sustained stab wounds to her leg and neck.

Such a clear cut case of cruelty must bring the harshest pun...


Bennett, who had two other cats, admitted to causing unnecessary suffering and was spared jail, instead being ordered to complete an 18-month community order after JPs were told she has severe mental health issues.
She was also ordered to complete a nine month alcohol treatment requirement was fined £100 and told to pay £300 in vets' bills and £95 in costs.
She was disqualified from keeping any animals for five years.

Because in five years time she'll be a responsible pet owner?  

Meanwhile, her lawyer Jed Frazer said in mitigation: 'She loved those cats and described to me that she loved them as if they were her children. She says they were always well looked after, and often, they were fed better than her.'

 If that's true, I wonder she could fit it in the freezer, it must have been the size of a leopard...


  1. There are times when it's ok to wonder how "defence counsel" sleep at night. They surely can't get over the giggles when they look at their fee payments and balance them against what they've done to "earn" them..

  2. Wonder what was in those ready meals.

  3. There must be something to salvage here...a potential plod recruit?

  4. I love cats as well but I couldn't eat as many as she obviously has.

  5. Thank goodness I am not one of her children. No doubt the fines etc are all meaningless anyway as I doubt if any of them will ever be paid and if any of them are paid it will almost certainly be with tax payers money anyway.

  6. She was spared jail because she has severe mental issues that made her get stabby on an animal? It should be thrown away the key for those reasons, not let off the bloody hook

  7. "There are times when it's ok to wonder how "defence counsel" sleep at night."

    On a pile of £50 notes, probably...

    "I love cats as well but I couldn't eat as many as she obviously has."


    "It should be thrown away the key for those reasons, not let off the bloody hook"

