Monday 19 July 2021

The Tar Baby Of Identity Politics Claims Another Victim...

Green co-leader Sian Berry is to quit amid a furious row over...

Eco issues? 

...trans rights within the party.


The London Assembly member and perennial mayoral candidate lashed out at the party's 'mixed messages' on gender identity, suggesting her front bench team did not share her views.

You mean you've found a front bench that's sensible, for once? 

The election of new front bench representatives by the membership meant there was 'inconsistency' between her own and the party's stance, she added.

So she's off! Presumably to join a party that suits her views better. Any suggestions for her, Reader? 


  1. Monster Raving Loony would be the party for her!

  2. Note for Tammly - remember that the prescient Monster Raving Loony Party once had headline policies which included all-day pub-opening, gay marriage and abolishing Dog Licences, all of which had been implemented by the time David Cameron left office.
    There are none so loony as those who wear other party labels.

  3. "Monster Raving Loony would be the party for her!"

    Spot on!

    "There are none so loony as those who wear other party labels."

    Good point...
