Tuesday 13 July 2021

Skewed Priorities...

'We need to find out who these people are and make examples of them. ... 'Perpetrators should be getting a knock on the door from the police and facing the full force of the law.'
Finally, a law and order Tory government demands tough action against...well, who?

Feral animals making our streets danger zones?

Well, no. It's people who tweet monkey pictures at grossly overpaid black football players. But isn't that a task for the social media companies? Are they doing nothing?
Twitter yesterday revealed how it has removed more than 1,000 racist posts targeting England football stars following the defeat.

So why is the government weighing in? 

Culture Secretary Oliver Dowden said yesterday that he shared the anger at the abuse, adding: 'Social media companies need to up their game in addressing it and, if they fail to, our new Online Safety Bill will hold them to account with fines of up to 10 per cent of global revenue.'

Ah. Of course. 


  1. Perhaps those football stars who are pretty useless at penalties should be paid by results rather than just 1 million a month flat rate? It might incentivise them to win.
    You might know the police et al would rather patrol Twitter and FB than the streets.

  2. Laughed my socks off on this farce.

    Southgate used his position to push his political views on others and it backfired. Personally, I'm pleased that his legacy will be cocked up England's chances for a win after 50 years because he played politics instead of doing his job rather than England won and Southgate got to explain how it was his political views that made it happen.

  3. Perhaps Southgate's plan was to show the world that young, black, kids can play, and win, for this country. If true, that it backfired can not excuse the behaviour of the foul mouthed, racist, pond life, ast there, in their squalid little room, the grease from their kebabs on their beer bellies mixing with the results of their masturbation ad they post their coloured filth. That the English players did their best in from of the whole world, while the social media scumbags hide behind their anonymity, shows just what low life shit heads they really are. I hope that they are identified, and named and shamed with their photos and details printed on the front pages of national newspapers. You lost your job because of these rants? Tough. Your kids are bullied at school because of this? Down to you. Your marriage has broken down because of this? She's better off away from a pervert like you.

  4. Our policy will love this, you can do most of the investigation sitting on your behind in a warm safe office. Then you get to enforce the law on those who probably won't case you much trouble. Win win and very little real work plus no involvement with nasty criminal types.

  5. "Perhaps those football stars who are pretty useless at penalties should be paid by results..."

    It'd be nice, wouldn't it?

    "Southgate used his position to push his political views on others and it backfired."

    Has it? I don't see any consequences for him.

    "I hope that they are identified, and named and shamed with their photos and details printed on the front pages of national newspapers."

    Given it seems a pretty large percentage of those message didn't even originate here, I'll not hold my breath if I were you...

    "Win win and very little real work plus no involvement with nasty criminal types."

    You've just described every new law this 'conservative' government has passed, haven't you?
