Monday 12 July 2021

You Lost, Get Over It...

What? No, no, not the England team...
The UK’s highest court has rejected a challenge over the government’s “two-child limit” for welfare payments.

Good! It's about time there was some good news... 

The challenge was brought by two lone mothers and their children – who the court ordered cannot be identified – supported by the Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG), but was brought on behalf of all those affected by the policy.

I want to know who paid. But I bet it was me and all the other taxpayers... 

Carla Clarke, the head of strategic litigation at CPAG, said: “This is a hugely disappointing judgment, which fails to give any meaningful recognition to the reality of the policy on the ground and its desperately unfair impact on children.
“We know the two-child limit increases child poverty, including child poverty in working households, and forces women to choose between an abortion and raising their families without enough to live on.

That should, frankly, always be the choice. It's not reasonable to expect someone else to pay for people to churn out babies like rabbits. And we have this thing called 'contraception' now.

“We continue to believe that the policy is unlawful and, together with our clients, are considering taking the matter to the European court of human rights so that no child is left out of the social security safety net purely because of their birth order.

The legal aid safety net is still there, though, I see. Eh, Carla? 



  1. Yep, a charity with a 'head of strategic litigation'. Of course.

    Old timey charity: feeding the poor

    Modern day charity: waging lawfare to try and nullify the results of elections

    These guys totally deserve those tax breaks.

  2. If only the blog title "You lost, get over it" applied to football fans . . . .

  3. Charge was brought by two lone mothers. Last time I looked it took two people to make a baby so perhaps the father's might like to ease the burden on the taxpayers and live up to their responsibility.

  4. I support the right of everyone to have as many children as they want as long as they can afford to raise them without state help. It is clear that the policy is that the state will help support you if you have no more than 2 children, people need to take this into consideration when family planning.

  5. "These guys totally deserve those tax breaks."

    They deserve something broken...

    "If only the blog title "You lost, get over it" applied to football fans . "


    "Last time I looked it took two people to make a baby so perhaps the father's might like to ease the burden on the taxpayers..."

    I thought we had a large government department dedicated to ensuring they did. Whatever happened to it?

    "...people need to take this into consideration when family planning."

    Personal responsibility? Nah. It'll never catch on...
