Monday 26 July 2021

They Abandon You To The Mob...

Police have released a gallery of 'wanted' rioters who sent burning cars freewheeling down a hill, pelted a police van with rocks and hurled bricks through windows during a vigil for a teenager in Swansea.
Detectives issued 11 images of potential suspects - including two females and nine males - all of whom they wish to question over the riots which saw 200 people cause carnage in Mayhill, South Wales, on May 20.
Yeah, it's this incident.
The gathering was intended to be a vigil for 19-year-old Ethan Powell after he died in May. His cause of death is not publicly known. But the crowds descended into chaos and a police van was forced to flee after being hit with rocks.
Flames were also seen billowing from a torched car as onlookers gathered to watch, with locals saying the car belonged to a man who tried to stop the violence.
Terrified residents hunkered down in their homes as their cars were destroyed outside and bricks were hurled towards their homes.

What were the police doing, faced with violent unrest? It appears 'very little'... 

Speaking following the riot, local Welsh Parliament member Tom Giffard described the scenes as 'disturbing'.

I'd have different adjectives, were I you. 

Detective Superintendent Gareth Morgan said: 'I would like to thank the local community for its assistance throughout the course of our investigations.
'The large majority that were present that night were not actively involved in the disorder. The critical task for us has been to identify those who were specifically involved in committing criminal offences that evening.
'What happened that night has had a huge impact on many families and people, the effect of which has continued for some time.'

It's your job to stop such disorder. You failed. 

Now you're here, are you doing anything other than insisting it was a small minority (that your officers were still too afraid to tackle)? 


  1. The large majority that were present that night were not actively involved in the disorder. The critical task for us has been to identify those who were specifically involved in committing criminal offences that evening.

    Since you did not stop them at the time, and you are specifically stating that there were a large number of people "not involved", you expect to secure any convictions based on grainy images of hooded and masked figures in a crowd ? And you want the public - at risk of retaliation - to help you ? Amirite ? I think the Brits have the expression: Sod off ?

  2. 'You failed. Now you're here, are you doing anything other than insisting it was a small minority (that your officers were still too afraid to tackle)?'

    Scumplod will haunt us for as long as they feast upon our taxes. When their adversaries are weak and vulnerable, The Filth can mount extraordinary displays of courage...with the added proviso that the latter are armed to the teeth and confidently drunk with power. These indisputable truths of modern policing are a curse upon civilised freedom.

  3. Does anyone remember the days of the community bobby who knew the criminal types in his area and didn't need to appeal to the public to tell him who trouble makers were? That of course was when we had real police instead of of the bone idle politically correct government enforcers we have now.

  4. To Anonymous - The Plod already know who all those local trouble-makers and ring-leaders are but, by pretending they don't kow, then reporting that they have had no info from the local public, Plod can get away without doing anything difficult like mounting a case against the criminals (who can be quite unfriendly to poor Plod at times).

    More time then available for diversity training, hounding motorists and pursuing non-harmful 'hate crimes'. What's not to like?

  5. Thanks for that Mudplugger, I didn't think of that but yes it makes sense. At least it frees up police time to pretend they are addressing online crime and let's the more energetic ones prey on lucrative motorists and dangerous TV licence rebels I suppose.

  6. " I think the Brits have the expression: Sod off ?"

    We do. Usually followed by 'Swampy' (a hippy type) but increasingly these days, by 'Plod'...

    "Scumplod will haunt us for as long as they feast upon our taxes."

    We should pay them by results. I know the foodbanks will complain, but...

    "Does anyone remember the days of the community bobby who knew the criminal types in his area and didn't need to appeal to the public to tell him who trouble makers were?"

    Yes. Fondly.

    "More time then available for diversity training, hounding motorists and pursuing non-harmful 'hate crimes'. What's not to like?"

    Sadly true.
