Thursday 24 February 2022

Теперь мы прерываем эту запланированную трансляцию*... bring you some music. Take it away, Edwin!

Putin, though a brutal authoritarian leader, is not a charismatic madman like Hitler.
He's not even Justin, is he, Ian?

*We now interrupt this scheduled broadcast (with thanks to Google Translate)


  1. If you replaced 'Putin' in that guardian article with the name of almost any western politician this century, it would be just as truthful. The BBC propaganda machine is at it today, neglecting the way the US has been using Ukraine to goad the Russian gov't.

  2. War can't give life, it can only take it away.

    Tell that to the Holocaust survivors Edwin.

  3. It's being reported that Turdeau has dramatically scrapped the emergency powers act just 2 days after introducing it:

  4. "The BBC propaganda machine is at it today, neglecting the way the US has been using Ukraine to goad the Russian gov't."

    Oh yes, we are now expected to take sides - well, I for one won't dance to the progressives' tune.

    "Tell that to the Holocaust survivors Edwin."

    Good point. But bad as Putin is, he's not quite there. Yet.

    "It's being reported that Turdeau has dramatically scrapped the emergency powers act just 2 days after introducing it:"

    Yup, it served its purpose.
