Thursday 24 February 2022

Same Old Labour Under Starmer...

Do white people not get cold? 

Black households face being disproportionately impacted by the cost-of-living crisis, according to analysis which shows nearly four in five have less than £1,500 in savings.

Maybe exploring why this is, and encouraging them to save, would help? 


  1. Investing for the future is a cultural thing. Some cultures just don't get it while some others are quite manic about it. I have noticed that bank tv ads recently are targeting some ethnicities in a way that supports this. I don't believe for one moment that businesses are excluding anyone from access to financial products. Nor do I believe that prospects for anyone determined to better themselves are limited in this enlightened country.

  2. I can't follow the reasoning of this at all. Some people save their money and some people spend theirs. Some have plenty of disposable income and some are just scraping by. Discriminating on the grounds of race is already illegal, we turn a blind eye to positive discrimination of course. So what is this new Race Equality Act going to be able to achieve? Are they going to forcibly take black people's money and invest it for them?

  3. ALL TV ads are targeting certain fashionable ethnicities - when did you last notice a child advertisement actor with straight hair?. There are those of us who notice these things and are quite happy to (not) buy into their games. If they want to sell to less than half of the population who am I to argue?

  4. What about mixed-race people? Are they quite good at saving and not in as much debt as black people?

  5. 'Cos they spent it all on chiggun & ganja?

  6. I is black (or so I identify myself).
    Gimme monies, I is cold!
    Also, just gimme stuff, 'cos I is black and deserve it.

    You really could not make up this sort of garbage. Or could you?

  7. "Investing for the future is a cultural thing. "

    But all cultures are equally valid...?

    "Discriminating on the grounds of race is already illegal, we turn a blind eye to positive discrimination of course. So what is this new Race Equality Act going to be able to achieve?"

    Votes for Labour, of course!

    "What about mixed-race people? Are they quite good at saving and not in as much debt as black people?"

