Friday 25 February 2022


June 2021:

So far only one person Cameron Deriggs, 18, has been charged in connection with the incident with conspiracy to murder. Sasha's mother has called on any witnesses to come forward and speak to authorities.

February 2022:

A trial had been fixed for March 7 but at an Old Bailey hearing on Tuesday the prosecution announced the Crown would not be pursuing the case. The four men all jumped up from their seats and cheered as they were told the case would be quashed upon review.
During the hearing before Mr Justice Hilliard, Mr Heywood outlined the circumstantial case against the defendants, saying the decision to drop the case had followed a careful review involving the highest level at the Crown Prosecution Service.
He said he was unable to give full reasons for the decision but had provided details to the court as to why the CPS had no option.



  1. Fingers crossed these vermin sue the police for unlawful arrest. Then all the facts can come out.
    We will find out why her brethren shot her and why her supporters all turned their backs when she needed help.

  2. "Fingers crossed these vermin sue the police for unlawful arrest. Then all the facts can come out."

    I doubt it - she wasn't even the intended target, it seems!
