Tuesday, 8 June 2021

"...nobody who was at that party has come forward to give us a statement or any further information."

Gosh! I thought black lives mattered?
Ms Johnson's mother Ellet Dalling, appealed for more witnesses yesterday: 'What has happened to Sasha has left us devastated. She is currently fighting for her life in hospital with two children asking where their mummy is, what do I tell them? Someone must have information to what happened and to come forward.
'Sasha is passionate about standing up for others, please come forward and stand up for Sasha. Come forward to help us, I know it is not always easy but imagine if it was your daughter or the mother of your children. I believe there are people out there that can help.'
If she survives, maybe she'll reconsider her priorities...

Aren't there a lot of chickens coming home to roost lately, though?


Anonymous said...

I feel sorry for her children first, and for her mother second. Incidentally, where is the father of the children, or possibly the two fathers?

Perhaps she was shot to make the point that if she got her way, then the black get outta jail cards would become invalid?

DiscoveredJoys said...

Had the alleged attackers been white I expect the news would be dominated by Sasha Johnson's medical status and the court cases of the accused. This is not a comment on 'racism' as such but on the focus of the media.

okjoe58 said...

She was at a party at 3am, what did you tell the children then?
Sasha is obviously seriously wounded. I hope she pulls through. Her children need her

Anonymous said...

Black lives clearly don't matter to the other 30 black people at this illegal gathering. So why should decent people care ?

Robert the Biker said...

I don't give the slightest trace of a shit about the race baiting anti White cunt. This is yet another example of the savagery that we've had imported into the country, and anything that reduces the number of these mutts is fine by me. The fact that there are and will be no witnesses says far more about her baboon 'culcha' than about the White society that her presence pollutes.

Anonymous said...

The problem may be that if those attending the party gave information to the Police, it could result in their brother, cousin, baby daddy, or regular supplier of waccy baccy being arrested, and that just would not do.

JuliaM said...

"Incidentally, where is the father of the children, or possibly the two fathers?"

Who knows? Probably not her!

"This is not a comment on 'racism' as such but on the focus of the media."

Well, they've got the Birmingham trial coming up soon to fill their boots with.

"I hope she pulls through. Her children need her"

Really? I think they'd be far, far better off being raised by decent people.

"So why should decent people care ?"

My feelings exactly, sadly.

"This is yet another example of the savagery that we've had imported into the country..."

We seem to need daily reminders of it...

"... it could result in their brother, cousin, baby daddy, or regular supplier of waccy baccy being arrested, and that just would not do."

They get the policing - and the 'community' - they deserve.