Friday 26 July 2024

And The Beat Goes On...

....and on and on.
A schoolgirl has been rushed to hospital after she was mauled by an unregistered XL Bully as she played in the garden. The 10-year-old, who was bitten in the neck by the out-of-control animal, remains in hospital as the summer holidays begin, while a woman, 37, and two teenagers, aged 13 and 15, have been arrested. The woman was arrested on suspicion of possession of a banned breed of dog, allowing a dog to be dangerously out of control and child neglect. Meanwhile, the two teens were arrested on suspicion of allowing a dog to be dangerously out of control and possession of a banned breed of dog. They have since been released from custody. The dog was seized at the scene and remains in police kennels.

And over in Coventry meanwhile... 

A mother was mauled to death by a family dog which had never previously shown any signs of aggression, her partner said last night. Kelly Reilly, 33, was discovered 'unresponsive' in her flat in Coventry by her horrified partner Noel Spring, 50, shortly after midday yesterday. Paramedics rushed to the scene in a matter of minutes, but, despite their efforts, Ms Reilly died a short time later, according to West Midlands Police.The dog - understood to be a bull mastiff - was seized by officers, the force said.

Who exactly is it that 'understands it to be a bull mastiff'..? The owner, who was clearly an animal lover, despite seemingly not having the resources to manage such a breed? 

Ms Reilly had two children who no longer live with her and was unemployed due to her poor health and history of seizures, Mr Spring said.

The police are characteristically clueless, or want us to think they are: 

Police said they did not believe the dog was a banned breed, following the recent spate of fatal attacks involving XL Bullies.'Although the breed of the dog is yet to be confirmed, at this stage we do not believe it to be of a banned breed. However, a full assessment will be required before we can confirm this.'

Here's what the useless bastards claim to believe what they are told is a pure bred English Bull Mastiff: 

It couldn't be any more of a 'pitbull type dog' if it had a toddler's arm in its jaws...

Here's a breed-standard stock image:

Someone needs to go to Specsavers. 

Where's My Heart Of Stone?

I'm going to need it for this one! 

The latest repairs to the Isle of Wight's troubled chain ferry have been held up over delays receiving spare parts.

And you'll never guess why they were delayed!  

Floating Bridge 6, which crosses the River Medina between Cowes and East Cowes, was pulled from service at the weekend with "mechanical issues".
The council said parts to fix the vessel were due on Monday but "did not arrive as scheduled from our supplier due to ferry disruptions".

Ha ha ha ha ha!  

H/T: Ian J via email

Thursday 25 July 2024

Don't The Police Have Better Things To Do With Their Time?

Sadly, these days, the answer's 'Probably not'!
The boss of the missing persons charity supporting Jay Slater's family has vowed to wage war on cruel trolls who sent him misleading and untrue tip-offs about the youngster before he was found dead on Tenerife earlier this week.
Matthew Searle, chief executive of LBT Global, says he received hundreds of malicious emails, phone calls and messages with false information about the 19-year-old apprentice bricklayer after he disappeared on June 17.
He has passed messages sent to him and Jay's mother, Debbie Duncan, to police to investigate under telecommunications laws.

And just how are they supposed to prove they are knowingly false reports? Since Britain is stuffed to the gills with young petty criminal chavs who all dress alike?  

The malignant messages included false ransom demands from people claiming to have Jay in their custody.

That one at least should be easy to prove! Even for UK police. 

Others included claims that Jay had been seen in a Sainsbury's in Basingstoke, watching a football match in Germany and on a Eurostar train. Mr Searle said the bad actors had delayed genuine investigations into Jay's disappearance because he had to 'follow up every single lead'.

Since he's not the police, but a private citizen sticking his oar in, it's be hard to prove that the actual search was hindered in any way... 

It is an offence under the Communications Act 2003 to send a false message that causes 'annoyance, inconvenience or anxiety to another'. Those found guilty of the offence can face up to six months in prison.
Many of those sending the cruel false tips did so using 'burner' SIM cards and single-use email addresses, making it harder for him to identify those who might be responsible.

So what are the police supposed to do? 

Mr Searle is, it seems, no lover of freedom of speech: 

Mr Searle, speaking to Sky News earlier this week, says he intends to speak to Home Secretary Yvette Cooper about the damage and hurt caused by online trolls who turned Jay's tragic disappearance into a true-crime free-for-all.
'Ultimately it hinders the search and it's terrifyingly horrible for a family that are going through this,' he said.
'Wherever there's a real-life crime drama acting out in front of our eyes on television, half the population need to jump on Facebook, set up a Facebook group… to tell the world "what really happened".
'It's really worrying to the point where our charity thinks it's time that it has to stop.'

Good luck with that, Mr Searle, I very much doubt even Labour are so bonkers they are going to go to war on Facebook on behalf of this 'cause'. Although one can never tell.  

You’ve Sacked The Wrong One!

A school has lodged a complaint against a coach company after footage emerged of a driver’s expletive-filled rant to schoolchildren.

And why was he abusing the cerubic little passengers?  

In the video seen by the BBC, a man believed to be the coach driver is heard accusing children of not wearing a seatbelt and smoking on the bus.

Heh! Surely not? Well, when they are out of their teacher's sight...

Oh, wait!  

Gill Lane, whose child was onboard the coach on 11 July, said there were seven teachers on the coach at the time of the incident, which happened halfway through a four-hour journey. “The teachers' job is to keep our children safe and to manage them on the coach,” she said. "And on this occasion, they failed our children.
“I don’t know if I can keep my children at the school because I don’t know if I can trust them to keep them safe.

Well, I'd say the answer is no, you can't. Especially if they did nothing to ensure they put their seatbelts on and didn't smoke.  

Wise Coaches, based in Hailsham, said the pupils had been “disruptive”, but the driver no longer worked for the company as of the day after the incident.

Why sack him? Just because he tried to instil some discipline that the teachers couldn't? 

The school said staff on the trip had attempted to reason with the coach driver and asked him to moderate his language and behaviour.

But did nothing about the behavior of their pupils? Sounds to me like there should be more sackings. At the school!  

Wednesday 24 July 2024

It's Schrödinger's Gender Critical Worker!

James Orwin changed his email footer in protest after East Riding of Yorkshire Council chief Caroline Lacey urged staff to 'consider adding pronouns to your email'.
The ICT project officer was suspended and eventually sacked when he continued to refuse to remove the footer 'XYchromosomeGuy/AdultHumanMale' having been told it posed a 'serious risk' to the transgender community and the council's reputation.

I can believe the latter claim, because there may have been people unaware their council was staffed by lunatics, but what the hell does the former claim mean? What 'risk'? 

Mr Orwin sued the local authority for religion or belief discrimination and unfair dismissal saying he believed remaining silent when 'morals and principles are under threat facilitates the steady creep of evil'. But the employment tribunal in Hull dismissed his case having found he was not discriminated against.
However, it did accept his gender critical beliefs amounted to a protected 'philosophical belief'.

Wait, both can't be true, surely? They are either protected - and so he can't be sacked for them - or they aren't?  

However, Employment Judge Ian Miller concluded he had not been discriminated against by being told to change his pronouns. He said: 'The real reason that [Mr Orwin] decided to add 'XY-chromosome-guy/adult-human-male' was in protest.' Mr Miller added: 'The footer was designed to provoke and, we think given his acceptance of possible offence, was designed to offend.'
The judge said the implementation of the policy was 'poorly thought through and badly executed'. Dismissing his claims of discrimination, he said: 'None of the treatment he experienced was because of his beliefs (or expression of beliefs). His claim of unfair dismissal was also dismissed as it was 'well within the band of reasonable responses of a reasonable employer'.

A 'reasonable employer' wouldn't, surely, have expected someone with gender critical beliefs to adopt a pronoun footer in the first place? 

It looks like this employment tribunal wants to have its cake and eat it. 

And Parents, Hannah? Where Do They Feature?

Received this on Thursday: 

Here's the text:

"The King’s Speech contained some positive first steps on health, reiterating the government’s commitment for the NHS to focus more on prevention. This included specific legislation to restrict the advertising of junk food to children and banning sales of high caffeine energy drinks to children.
"However, if Labour is going to meet its ambition of achieving the healthiest generation of children in our history, they will need to go much further than this and take a wider range of steps to improve our food system. Recent evidence showed children in England are getting shorter, that life expectancy at birth is decreasing, and children are more likely to have obesity and type 2 diabetes, highlighting just how important addressing this issue is.
"The King’s Speech also touched on issues of wealth creation, opportunities for all, and getting through the cost of living crisis, however there was no mention of the child poverty strategy previously committed to. With millions sadly still experiencing food insecurity across the UK, it was positive to see commitments around a better deal for workers, however more action is desperately needed to ensure everybody can access and afford a healthy and sustainable diet, including by enhancing benefits and strengthening existing nutritional safety nets such as Healthy Start and Free School Meals."

You could be forgiven for reading this and thinking that the UK was some strange sci-fi world where children were raised in podding hutches as wards of the State, and not by mothers and fathers with responsibility for their welfare and upbringing, couldn't you..? 

Tuesday 23 July 2024

When Did 'Scotland The Brave' ....

...become 'Scotland The Virtuesignaller'?
Scotland's police officers will be paid to take part in Pride parades despite the force cutting back on fighting crime, the Mail can reveal. Uniformed officers are being urged to represent the overstretched force at LGBTI marches in exchange for pay or a day off in lieu. While hundreds will be on active duty policing the marches, senior officers have requested that other staff join the parades to show support for the marchers.

And what if they don't want to? Will they be forced to?  

The 'astonishing' move will also see plain-clothed officers on light duties given special Pride badges.

And told to wear them or else?  

Calum Steele, the former general secretary of the Scottish Police Federation (SPF), said: 'Moving to a situation where officers are now paid to march (and actively encouraged with the inducement of payment to do so) is an astonishing development and has to raise questions over the effective use of resources.'

Well, der, Calum!  

The new policy comes after Scotland's police chief was accused of 'virtue-signalling nonsense' when she apologised for enforcing laws which 'criminalised love'. Chief Constable Jo Farrell said in May that she was sorry for 'recent and historical injustices' suffered by 'lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning, and intersex' people.

I can't wait for the next season of 'Rebus' on the BBC! It's going to be quite something... 

With This Sort Of 'Justice', He Never Will Learn His Lesson...

Richard Pierce, 54, was travelling on the B5105 from Ruthin towards Clawddnewydd in North Wales in July last year when he got stuck in a queue of traffic. The road was being resurfaced and two men stood holding stop-go signs to control passing cars.
After waiting for less than a minute, Pierce 'took the view that he could drive through the roadworks' and pulled out from the stationary traffic, showing a 'disregard' for the rules of the road, a judge said.

Unsurprisingly, since he's a serial motoring offender: 

Mold Crown Court heard Pierce was previously jailed in 1995 for killing a pedestrian in a road crash and had 'clearly not learned his lesson'.

Because the justice system fails to teach him. His brief had an uphill struggle, but did his best: 

Defending Pierce was Alan Williams who said his client's 1995 conviction was 'almost a lifetime away'.
Speaking of last year's incident, the defence lawyer admitted it had been 'a poor piece of driving'.

Well, d'oh!  

He said Pierce was going through a 'stressful time' with his business and had 'genuine victim empathy'.

And there's no way that can ever be challenged, so why not say it? 

Williams argued it would be 'catastrophic' for the defendant to be sent to prison as his mother, 84, is in a care home.

Why? She's clearly not going anywhere.  

He would also be leaving behind his wife, two children and his business, said the defence counsel.

Yes, those are called 'consequences'. 

Mr William added that the defendant to 'his credit' had looked into whether he had ADHD.

Why is it to his credit that he looked into another excuse for his brief to proffer as a reason for his utter disregard for other people?  

But Judge Nicola Saffman sentenced Pierce to 14 months in jail for dangerous driving. She also disqualified him from driving for two years and seven months, enforcing that he must pass an extended retest after the ban is up.

Which he'll have no trouble passing, then reverting back to type. Since a driving license isn't a human right, why can't he be banned for life?  

Monday 22 July 2024

It Seems 'Asylum Seeker' Translates to 'Get Out Of Jail Free'...

Two asylum seekers who targeted a reveller for his £25,000 Rolex in London’s West End walked free from court today. Egyptian Yousef Garef and Algerian Amin Abdelkadar were both spared jail and handed community orders on Wednesday. Both admitted to robbery.
At least the police did their bit this time, shame the courts didn't uphold their end.
Judge Adam Hiddleston told the pair: ‘You followed and attacked a member of the public with the intent of stealing from him a valuable watch. Such offending has become a scourge of the West End. They have become an all too frequent occurrence in the past few years.
‘These offences took place in the early hours of the morning. You were both acting as part of a group and you were targeting high value property.

Yes, they were, so why aren't they serving a sentence commensurate with that? Or subject to immediate deportation?  

Abdelkadar was handed a two-year community order and Garef was given a three-year community order. Both will have to complete 150 hours of unpaid work and 40 hours of a rehabilitation activity requirement. They will also be subject to a six month curfew between 9pm and 6am and must reside at the Home Office Asylum Centre in Islington. The men were issued with a five year criminal behaviour order and will not be allowed to enter the western half of the City of Westminster or have any contact with one another.
Meanwhile, elsewhere:
An asylum seeker who assaulted a female police officer cannot do community service because he can't speak English and needs an interpreter, a court heard. Jordanian national Mustafa Al Mbaidin would need a full-time translator with him if he were to do a period of unpaid work which would raise 'issues' with the health and safety at work laws, his lawyer argued. Instead the 27-year-old was fined £26 for the offence of assaulting an emergency worker which he will pay at a rate of £2 a month.

No, which we, the taxpayer, will pay... 

Magistrates handed Al Mbaidin a 12 month conditional discharge and told him that if he gets in trouble again in that time he will be dealt with for this offence and any fresh matter. They told him to pay a victim surcharge of £26 which is to be paid at a rate of £2 per month.

Why is he simply not removed from the country?  

The Plastic Mesh Bags Were Bad Enough...

...making it hard to see what the brand you were buying was, and taking longer for the till operator ro remove. But this!
Tesco has installed artificial intelligence-style locked security cabinets in the alcohol aisles to stop shoplifters nicking booze. The technology works by asking shoppers to use a digital touchscreen and complete a 'four-step process' to open the cabinets, which contain premium spirits.

All because the police and justice system have been too lenient for too long.... 

It is understood to have been rolled out across a handful of larger Tesco stores, including Purley, Croydon, south London.

And no doubt soon to come to my local store. 

Recent research from the British Retail Consortium's (BRC) annual survey found the amount lost to shoplifting in the latest year was the highest ever recorded. Shoplifting cost retailers about £1.8 billion in the latest year, the first time it has surpassed the £1 billion mark, the BRC said.

But then, why is it still treated as a petty offence? 

Martyn James, an independent consumer champion, said: ' Is there a sadder indictment of society than this - the fact that buying a bottle of booze is now like getting into a high-end luxury jewellers?
'If the epidemic of shoplifting and aggressive customer behavior is not dealt with firmly and definitively, then we face a future where everything we buy is behind bars or plastic screens.
'That's not a future I want to live in.'

Me neither, but it seems we're heading that way regardless.