Tuesday 3 January 2023

A Lot More Than Gender Was Revealed...

A single-mother-of-two has been spared jail despite...

Yes. She looks exactly as you might imagine. 

...drunkenly knocking out another woman's teeth in a vicious attack after blaming her for spilling a glass of red wine down her at a gender reveal party.

Wow! Attacked two people and got away with it? Her lawyer must be a combination of Clarence Darrow and Atticus Finch... 

In mitigation, defence lawyer Chris Hunt said he did not agree that it was a 'persistent assault' claimed it could not be known if substantial force was used as it was not known if Miss Mitchell was using dentures.

Ugh! Or maybe not... 

Chairwoman Jane Davies said: 'We have listened to the facts. It must have been frightening for the people who were injured. But we have listened to what your solicitor has said and your previous good character has stood well for you.'

Yes, yes, I know 'good character' is a legal term, not a moral one...but surely the magistrate has heard the phrase 'in vino veritas'..?


  1. Not a comment about the article but rather about your Recommended Blogroll, what has happened? Looks like it has been massively pruned but you've lost active blogs like David Thompson. Is this a mistake? I have to admit your site was what I used as a jumping off for other blogs, after I'd finished reading your latest post.

  2. No, it's still all there - click 'show all' for the full list. It's something to do with the widget, I'll see if I can amend it, but Blogger's quirky at the best of times!

  3. OK, it seems the widget did change. I've expanded it to show ten rather than 5, but that's as high as it'll go!
