Wednesday 4 January 2023

Looks Like It's The First Time It's Ever Stopped A Food Delivery...

A woman has been fined after her American Bulldog-cross bit a food delivery driver on the back.
Dawn Leadbitter's dog was in her garden when the victim pulled up to drop off groceries at her address. A court heard the animal jumped up a 4ft fence and sunk his teeth into the man's torso.
Poor woman, without her takeaways, she'll waste aw... 

Why are they always smiling?

The defendant appeared at Newcastle Magistrates' Court to admit having a dog dangerously out of control and causing injury. But she was spared jail and instead fined £300, ordered to pay £85 costs and a £120 victim surcharge, Chronicle Live reports.
I guess that's why she's grinning...
The dog was made the subject of a contingent destruction order, where it must be kept muzzled and on a lead at all times in public or risk being put to sleep.
The court heard the dog had been recused (sic) from an adoption centre and had never behaved in such a manner before.

Seem to have heard that phrase a lot lately... 


  1. An ideal wife for Jack Spratt, no doubt.

    The dog prefers leaner meat.
