Friday 12 January 2024

If You Can Go To The Polls, That IS Democracy...'s when you can't go to the polls, that democracy is in peril. Look, don't take my word for it:

See? What you really wanted to write was 'The people might get to speak. The bastards.' but you didn't have the courage.


  1. It's the hard right now, is it? Far right and ultra right are old hat?
    And I love how the left are terrified of Trump.

  2. If you go to the polls but can't vote for your preferred candidate - because the incumbents have removed his name from the ballot paper - is that still democracy? O.K. the Demrats have only tried this in a couple of states so far, but it's clear as day they are going to do their damnedest to repeat it country wide...

  3. The Soviet Union held 'elections'. Do you remember who always won? The essence of democracy is everybody accepting that the party they don't like will get a shot at governing from time to time. Elections are a necessary but insufficient feature of Democracy.

  4. "And I love how the left are terrified of Trump."

    Me too.

    "O.K. the Demrats have only tried this in a couple of states so far..."

    It won't stand, I suspect, but I suspect it'll stand for long enough.

    "The Soviet Union held 'elections'. Do you remember who always won?"

    Yes. Good point!
