Friday 12 January 2024

Seeing Sense...

Humza Yousaf made a ‘humiliating U-turn’ on XL bully dogs yesterday, promising to ban them amid concerns about the numbers being brought to Scotland.
The First Minister said legislation would be introduced to replicate measures introduced by the UK Government south of the Border.
A situation that could have been avoided easily, if only the SNP cared more about the welfare of native Scots than about grandstanding and hurling insults at 'the auld enemy'...
The U-turn came just six days after Mr Yousaf said a ban was not ‘required or needed given the strict regime we have in place’.
No wonder his nickname is 'Humza Yousless'...
Community safety minister Siobhian Brown is due to give more details of the legislation in a statement to MSPs next week. Ms Brown previously shared a social media message from the Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals which contained a picture of an XL bully dog alongside the text: ‘Dangerous breed? Nope. Breed-specific legislation? Nope.

'Humiliating U-Turn? Yep!' 

Mr Yousaf denied his government had mishandled the issue, and claimed the UK Government announced its legislation ‘without any consultation with the Scottish Government’.
But it is understood that three separate letters were sent to SNP ministers by the UK Government ahead of its legislation coming into force.

Did they get lost in the post, Humza? 


  1. We are on to something here. Just introduce penalties that are worse than Scotland and the problem goes up there. You could do it for everything, carrying a knife, burglary, rape or whatever.

  2. "We are on to something here. Just introduce penalties that are worse than Scotland and the problem goes up there."

    A plan as cunning as a fox who’s just been appointed Professor of Cunning at Oxford University!
