Saturday 18 May 2024

It's Not The Children They Are Worrying About...

The petition goes on to allege that Prevent is racist and Islamophobic, stating: ‘Muslim parents are worried that a child’s innocent comment [on Gaza] could lead to them being hauled before Prevent.
‘Many have demonstrated their support and sympathy for the Palestinian people, but are fearful of the consequences.’'s what will happen when it's realised that the children are merely parroting what they are hearing at home. Or in the mosque. 

Why they should worry about any consequences is the big mystery because sadly, there never are any for this wretched backward cult.
Security was tightened around the Tower Hamlets civic centre in preparation for the hearing last night. Entitled ‘Defend Free Speech and Democracy’, it was handed to the borough’s mayor Lutfur Rahman and the council’s cabinet.
And there's a clear example of the lack of consequences - this man's history should have ensured he was never re-elected.
One local councillor expressed fears about the petition and its timing. They warned it might inflame an already tense situation in the borough over the Gaza-Israeli conflict and anti-Semitic feeling.

I'm not sure, at this stage, that that's even possible... 

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