Saturday 18 May 2024

The Movies Are Lying Again...

A swan on a dual carriageway caused a crash, leaving a car fully engulfed in flames and bringing Poole to a standstill.
Emergency services were called to Dorset Way past Tower Park in Poole during rush hour at 7.50am on Tuesday, May 7. According to the fire brigade, two vehicles had crashed because there was a swan on the road.
However, the police were called to a swan on the road at 6.23am the same morning and officers had put it on the pavement.
A spokeswoman for Dorset Police said she would not go into the cause of the crash and could not confirm if a swan was the cause. She confirmed a swan had been reported on the road earlier that morning.
She said: "Officers attended and the swan was off the road and on the pavement. Partner agencies were notified."

Oh, I thought they were trained for this stuff?  

*crosses out another on the list of 'things cops no longer excel at'*

H/T: IanJ via email


  1. Has anyone ever had their arm broken by a swan?

  2. It’s never happened Jaded, they are ‘armless.

  3. Typical rozzers swanning around achieving feck all ...

  4. "Has anyone ever had their arm broken by a swan?"

    It must have happened some time...

    "Typical rozzers swanning around achieving feck all ..."

    It's not what one expects, indeed.
