Friday 20 June 2008

Keeping The Border Safe....

The new UK Borders Agency, launched with such fanfare, has claimed its first scalp:
Martha Stewart has been refused a visa to Britain because of her criminal convictions for obstructing justice, the Daily Telegraph has learned.
I can't think why we believe that public sector agencies go for soft, easy targets instead of tackling the tricky cases, can you...?

We salute you, brave guardians of the UK Border! May you forever keep us safe from evildoers and American cookery show hosts!


  1. I always thought Martha looked a bit shifty....

  2. Hey little predator

    You're getting a bit of support from people who think DD is the answer to a girl's prayer.

    I had speckulated wevver you was a tory ?

    Penny's dropped now. Bit of right-wing tory too. All that freedom agenda going on.

    I distrust politicians and their associated bag carriers. Greasy pole merchants mostly, talking a lot about doing stuff and then talking some more.

    I'd trust almost anyone rather than trust a politician.


  3. I have to say, Total Twat, you're making even less sense today than you usually do...

    Been drinking or something...?

    "All that freedom agenda going on."

    Yes, I can see that the concept of freedom would scare you. Who'd tell you what to do, and how to think? Brrrr!

  4. You are doing just fine , your observations are topical and astute. Keep up the good work.

  5. If her confession was extracted through torture, she'd be allowed to stay in the UK and collect £1,000 per month in benefits for her troubles..

  6. ...cookery show hosts...

    A bit disingenuous, aren't we? You know very well that Stewart's broadcasts (her broadcasts — Ezra Pound did broadcasts for Mussolini, did you know that?) go well beyond cookery alone.

    She is potentially a very dangerous woman, and a felon. Mussolini, as you ought to be aware, was a fascist. She should be kept out.
