Friday 20 June 2008

Love Music, Hate Racism, Kinda Keen On Violence Part II

It seems that Essex public sector workers are a particularly delicate bunch of flowers. Not to be outdone by the Southend council swan rape dilemma, Barking College principal Ted Parker is all a-twitter over the 'threatening behaviour' of a BNP councillor:
Mr Parker told the Recorder: "He was perfectly civil but he was obviously agitated. He seemed to be saying our students were in danger.

"As he left he said 'you have been warned', which sort of stuck it my mind. I thought it was a little strange.
The warning was issued over a 'Love Music, Hate Racism' shindig at the college. Naturally, rent-a-quote lefties were quick to jump on the publicity bandwagon offered by the 'Recorder':
Bunny La Roche, of LMHR, said: "We feel the BNP doesn't represent London at all. The reason we have a demo is that there's an absolute anger in London and the country about the fact the BNP have got a seat.
Well, except for those who elected them, Bunny. But what do they matter, eh...?

So, where did Councillor Bailey get the idea that there might be trouble at a LMHR event, though not from the BNP...?

Such an idea is nonsensical!

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