Monday 28 July 2008

"‘Ello, ‘Ello, ‘Ello, What’s Been Goin’ On ‘Ere Then..?"

The country's top policeman is to be investigated formally over how a close friend won a series of lucrative contracts at Scotland Yard, it emerged last night.

An announcement will be made within days over setting up an official inquiry into how Sir Ian Blair's skiing companion Andy Miller was awarded more than £3million of police work.
Well, well, well…
The Daily Mail can reveal that the pressure on the Met Commissioner will intensify today when an emergency session of the Metropolitan Police Authority's professional standards committee will meet to discuss the affair.

It can also be disclosed that Mr Miller carried out work for Surrey Police when Sir Ian was chief constable there between 1998 and 2000.

As questions grow, a number of key officials believe that a formal inquiry is the only way to establish whether Sir Ian has acted inappropriately.

A police source said: 'There can be no cover-up, nor perception of a cover-up, over this issue.
Over other issues…? Oh, yes, but dodgy financial dealings? Why, we can’t have that….

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