Monday 8 June 2009

I Thought Elvis Sang 'Don't Be Cruel'..?

It seems Tony Boden didn't exactly take the words to heart:
A rock ’n’ roll singer kidnapped a teenage girl and kept her bound and gagged for days in a secret dungeon below his Black Country music shop, the Express & Star can reveal today.
It's a pity he wasn't a devotee of 'Phantom of the Opera'. The parallels would be too good for words...
But today he was facing the prospect of life behind bars for snatching the girl and holding her captive in a terrifying plot allegedly inspired by a storyline used in popular TV crime drama CSI.
Aha! It's TV wot done it!
The victim was captured after going to Boden’s Soundmasters music shop in Bilston High Street where duct tape was put over her mouth, her mobile phone was disabled to ensure she could not call for help, and she was frog-marched to the cellar.

She was then bound hand and foot and locked in the dark in a makeshift 5ft by 4ft dungeon.

Boden even built a satin-lined coffin to put the victim in but did not use it during her ordeal. It was later found in the shop by police.
Mixing his metaphors there a bit, isn't he?

And in case you were wondering how he could do this alone, he didn't. He had help:
The girl was held in a 5ft by 4ft room in the cellar which 23-year-old Boden maintains had not been specifically built as a prison. Her “jailer” was 20-year-old Sarah Marshall, who had reportedly had a secret affair with Boden.

Both appeared before Wolverhampton Crown Court yesterday where they were remanded in custody.
No doubt she'll fall back on the 'I was under his spell, and helpless to resist!' defence...
Mr Chris O’Gorman, defending Boden, asked for a six week adjournment so that the kidnapper could receive a psychiatric assessment.

Miss Sarah-Jayne Buckingham, defending Marshall, said she was vulnerable and her only involvement was the false imprisonment of the victim.
Oh, right.

Not guilty of the kidnap, just of the aftermath? Well, good luck with that...

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