Friday 5 June 2009

Let's Hope This Isn't Really Satire...

As the prime minister clung on to power a procession of cabinet ministers attacked Mr Purnell and pledged their loyalty to Mr Brown until, oh, about half-twelve probably.


  1. Unfortunately, we're stuck with Gollum for a while longer.

    I don't know what dirt he's got on the Cabinet, but it's clearly enough to hold most of them.

    Yet with all this death of a thousand cuts, the PM's reminding me more and more of Monty Python's Black Knight.

    "It's just a flesh wound!"


  2. Heh! Exactly. I nearly titled this post with a quote from that...

  3. Foreign secretary David Miliband said: "I profoundly disagree with James and think he should at least have had the courage to wait until the local election results were in before calling for me to be made prime minister."

