Friday 5 June 2009

”But goodness alone is never enough. A hard cold wisdom is required, too, for goodness to accomplish good.”

"Goodness without wisdom invariably accomplishes evil."

So, the trial of the killers of the French students is finally over, and as expected, they have criminal records as long as the European election voting forms we all used yesterday, yet the do-gooders in the criminal justice system gave them chance after chance after chance, even though it was abundantly clear to anyone that they were irredeemable.

Incredibly, one of them should even have been behind bars at the time.
After receiving his sentence, Sonnex winked at his father in the public gallery and pretended to whistle as he swaggered from the dock.
And why not? He’d been treated so leniently by the justice system that he had nothing to fear from it:
It can be revealed today that Sonnex confessed to murderous feelings while still in a young offenders institution (YOI).

Jailed for eight years aged 17 for violent attacks and a string of robberies, he told a doctor at Portland YOI in Dorset that his violent reactions meant he 'could kill' in the future.

But his confession was left on his private medical records and never shared with the authorities, despite it being legal to do so.
While inside, Sonnex was rated as high risk and refused parole twice because of drug use, violence and vandalism, which included setting fire to his cell.

But bureaucratic failings meant Sonnex was classed as medium risk on release after serving only five years.
I love that phrase - ‘bureaucratic failings’. ‘Oh, it was the system!’.

Who runs the system? Who classed him as medium risk? A person. Not an impersonal system....
Repeated communication breakdowns, including a printer malfunction, meant his case never reached Mappa - a high-level tracking group including police and probation services which supervises the most dangerous offenders.
MAPPA, eh..?

Yeah, I’m not sure that would have helped much....
Now 23, Sonnex has spent most of his adult life in jail and admitted in court that whenever he has been let out he goes straight back to offending.

He laughed as he was being driven to a police station after his arrest for the horrific murders of the students.

Sonnex threatened to bite the face off the police constable who handcuffed him and later to bite the nose off a female constable.
Predictably, the ‘Guardian’ wasted no time allowing an apologist for the establishment, in the shape of Rod Morgan, a column to whine about how unfair it was:
It has already led to the fall of one of the finest managers in the Probation Service. David Scott, formerly Chief Officer for the London Probation Area, and Chairman of the Probation Chief Officers Association, resigned in February after being told by Jack Straw that he faced suspension and a "performance capability review" over the affair.
There’s a shocker, eh, Rod. What should he have got? A medal?
Had the system worked as it should, Sonnex would have been in custody on 29 June. And had he been, it seems likely that Ferez and Bonomo would be alive today.
And when eventually released, someone else would probably have died.

But what would fix this?

Would you believe, more resources?
There is a major question to be asked about overall Probation Service resources and caseloads, particularly in London. Sonnex's supervisor in the Lewisham probation team was simultaneously handling 127 cases, and yet she had qualified less than a year earlier. The Lewisham team was desperately shortstaffed, overloaded and ill-served by communication systems.
Look, let’s be honest here – they could be showered with resources and new staff, and it wouldn’t make the slightest bit of difference.

Our justice system simply has no answer to the likes of Danno Sonnex and his irredeemably evil family. Thanks to the EU, we've lost the right to put him down like the mad dog that he is, and the do-gooders will whine about his rights if we lock him in a hole somewhere (where he'll be a threat to other prisoners and his jailers) and throw away the key.


  1. Marvellous post with your final paragraph summing it all up. The police see their local villains released onto the street time and time again. Some will simply contiinue to breach bail as they know that there is no effective punishment - no one is going to lock them up. I laughed the other at the story where Essex Police AGAIN announced their crime prevention strategy - following known offenders around all day and filming them. As before this can only go on for so long, YET if the criminal justice system was working, if there were sufficient prisons and if prisoners served the FULL sentence so many of these dreadful, stupid and pointless incidents would simply not occur. For people like Sonnex and the other DNA waster convicted with him, there IS NO DOUBT they are guilty - HANG THEM!

  2. You know my position on the death penalty JuliaM, so without repeating the whole argument I'll just repeat that I don't trust governments with the power of life and death, and particularly not in a defacto police state as the UK is fast becoming. Really, don't give the bastards any fucking ideas or before you know it one of the fuckers will be ordering tankerloads of fucking Zyklon B.

    But absolutely this ... person - it's awkward to use the term sub-human without sounding like a nazi myself - should have been locked up and the key dropped into the deepest convenient bit of ocean. And having set fire to one cell the only concession I'd make to his safety in the future is to give him a small fire extinguisher. If the cunt wants to barbecue himself, fucking let him.

  3. Thanks to the EU, we've lost the right to put him down.

    How so?

    We abolished the death penalty long before we joined the EEC.

  4. "I laughed the other at the story where Essex Police AGAIN announced their crime prevention strategy - following known offenders around all day and filming them."

    Yes, a joke indeed...

    "'s awkward to use the term sub-human without sounding like a nazi myself.."

    Creatures like this one don't deserve any higher title. 'Sub human' fits him perfectly.

    "We abolished the death penalty long before we joined the EEC."

    We did, that's true. But the HR legislation put the stake through it's chest, as we are unlikely to ever repeal that while we are still in...

  5. As Mrs T implied when she said "there's no such thing as society", there's no such thing as "the system". It's the individuals within society and the system which make it or break them.

    I heard Scott on Today this morning giving his message that basically it's lack of resources which is to blame for this horror show. We were also told on BBC News last night that that Sonnex's (very) junior probation officer had twice as many cases on his/her desk than s/he should have.

    So you see, it's not her/his fault; it's not Scott's fault; it's our fault. Evidently, we just don't care enough to insist that more of our money is thrown down the drain of trying to rehabilitate scum rather than protecting the law-abiding. I hope M Bonomo goes through with his threat to sue Jack Straw or, better, have him prosecuted (at least for misfeasance in public office). I for one will be happy to cough up to support M Bonomo's attempt to see one of those responsible for his son's murder pay the price of his incompetence and neglect.

  6. Should be "make them or break them" of course.

  7. "I hope M Bonomo goes through with his threat to sue Jack Straw or, better, have him prosecuted (at least for misfeasance in public office)"

    I'd love to see him win. Sadly, I think all it's going to achieve is to further enrich some lawyers...

  8. JuliaM, hat doffed over apostrophe self correction :-)

    As for the sub-human bit, yeah, you're probably right. I'm probably being a bit over-sensitive because of knowing a couple of Jewish folks. Fucking nazis and their untermenschen - ruined a perfectly good term the rest of us could be using for scumbags like this.

  9. It isn't lack of money, it is ideology. The probation service is now there to serve the needs of criminals. They see themselves as advocates for criminals.

    Public safety is a very distant second.
