Friday 10 July 2009

I Think I Can See A Way Round This, Chaps….*

House of Commons officials have been accused of 'gagging' MPs who want to speak in support of autistic Gary McKinnon.
Can’t they just hack into the HoC server and leave a message instead?

* borrowing a meme from DumbJon


  1. Instead lets all send the fucking twat to jail for breaking into millitary computer systems.

    As a software engineer with more that a touch of aspergers my basic human sympathy to this commie twat is zero.


  2. davidncl said....

    I'm a bloody great and special troll. What a pillock.

  3. Off topic Julia (I know I'm a bugger for that), but as I've seen you on the "Headscarf martyr" CIF thread I just thought I'd ask, isn't Halgeel84 a weapons grade headcase?

  4. "I'm a bloody great and special troll. What a pillock."

    Nah, davidncl is ok.

    And he's right. There's no reason, no reason whatsoever, for all this grandstanding over McKinnon.

    "...I just thought I'd ask, isn't Halgeel84 a weapons grade headcase?"

    Oh, without a doubt! Always on the 'Muslims can do no wrong, and when they do, it's because the West drove them to it!' schtick...

  5. Do you see what I mean about Halgernon84?

    Don't know why I wasted my time.
