Friday 10 July 2009

I'll Tell You What's 'Wrong', Mossab Belhocine...

..that you were still in this country on the night you kicked and beat David Cooper to death despite being a failed asylum seeker:
The Algerian national kicked his victim so hard an imprint of his trainer was left on Mr Cooper’s face.

As the verdict was read out, there were hysterical screams from Belhocine's family in the public gallery.

Belhocine put his head in his hands and shouted: “You can't do this, you can't do this. That's wrong, that's wrong.”
Oh, and it's also wrong that you won't swing for it...
The failed asylum seeker came to the UK on a visitor's visa in 2007.

He was part of a network of Algerian pickpockets operating in the Finsbury Park area, the court heard.

The jury took four hours to convict Belhocine of murder and robbery. He will be sentenced tomorrow morning.
Four hours? They must have held out for lunch...


  1. Dr Melvin T Gray10 July 2009 at 07:01

    I agree with Mr Belhocine. It certainly is wrong to ignore protest from a special class of victim. Keeping his thieving hands and feet was a gross insult to his faith.

  2. I imagine the humanitarian Left will be launching a campaign to release the Woolwich One in

    Oh, neither the Guardian nor the BBC websites seem to have picked up on any aspect of this story.


  3. His 'family' were in the public seats?????????

  4. Oh great, a failed asylum seeker isn't deported, commits a crime, is found guilty and will now serve a sentence at our expense.

    Welcome to Brown's Britain.

  5. WTF are this scumbag's family doing in this country? They should be immediately deported. Personally, I think this bastard should have danced a Tyburn jig.

  6. North Northwester. You beat me to it. CiF can't let this innocent victim languish in jail much longer, surely

  7. Surely this was a 'hate' crime, a gay nan beaten to death, I'm sure it will be all over the BBC & The Guardian.

  8. A murder involving an asylum seeker and a white Briton. Absolutely no mention on the BBC website AT ALL. Reverse the roles and I wonder what you would find?

  9. Mossab Belhocine had planned to rob David for weeks. He should have been deported when he was arrested for fraud in Sept 08 - instead he went on to murder David. Two days before this he had also robbed an old woman. Now in our prisons - I just hope he suffers as he should.

  10. Dr Melvin T Gray said...

    I agree with Mr Belhocine. It certainly is wrong to ignore protest from a special class of victim. Keeping his thieving hands and feet was a gross insult to his faith.

    10 July 2009 07:01

    You know, I THINK we may have started of missunderstanding each other.

    Whatever. Good post, and it is not the FIRST one this month where I have thought that.

    Von Brandenburg-Preußen

  11. "Keeping his thieving hands and feet was a gross insult to his faith."


    "Surely this was a 'hate' crime, a gay nan beaten to death, I'm sure it will be all over the BBC & The Guardian."

    Normally, they'd be all over it. How very, very strange that they aren't...

    "He should have been deported when he was arrested for fraud in Sept 08 - instead he went on to murder David. Two days before this he had also robbed an old woman."

    Our 'justice' system at work...

  12. Whoever decides to keep this **** alive callously prevents the use of that money for the benefit of those that should be living here. How many cancer treatments will not now take place?

  13. I think he would prefer to be deported, his family would too...., I don't thin you should wage a hate campaign against his family its not their fault....I think he should be deported, he was here illegally therefore he should not serve his sentance here paid by the tax payer...however I hate to see such racist discriminate remarks shame on you are calling for justice yet you come out with the same cliche jargon
