Tuesday 11 August 2009

£4.7 Million Reasons Not To Play 'The Lottery'...

Money from the Big Lottery Fund, which is supposed to be used to help good causes, has gone on advising gipsy and Roma groups how to set up illegal camps and get services there.
No wonder they call it 'a tax on the stupid'...
And those who find travelling groups intimidating will be astonished to learn those in one London borough were even given assertiveness training.
It'd be funny, if it wasn't sickening..


  1. You just amaze me where you find all this. We've had gypsy trouble in our area. They were given a plot of land and a lot of money and didn't want to camp there.

  2. And what are the Conservatives planning to do about this if and when they come to power? Precisely nothing: first EU + human rights legislation trump any Conservative "localism" agenda and, secondly, because there's nothing in it for them. The Conservatives will get elected not because of what they intend to do in office but solely due to the gigantic pig's ear Labour has created since 1997.

    The Cameroon Conservative Party still considers that Blair is the miracle worker and that Blairite social democracy is the template for success. The last thing Cameron wants is a fight with a vociferous minority (unless that minority comprises white, middle-class, law-abiding taxpayers - then the gloves are off). You can vote how you like (we live in a democracy after all) but, whether Labour, LibDems or Conservatives form the next government, in 2015 you'll still get the parasites of the traveller and other communities living high and illegally at our expense.

  3. "You just amaze me where you find all this."

    The 'Daily Fail' is a never ending source of outrage... ;)

    "...secondly, because there's nothing in it for them. "

    No, opposing it merely loses them votes.

    They are, as you say, confident of winning becaise they are 'NotLabour', so know they don't need to try too hard.

  4. "No, opposing it merely loses them votes"

    Funnily enough it would probably gain them votes. I suspect that there are even some Labour clients who might vote for the Conservatives if they took a rather more rigid line with the travelling and the child producing/abusing classes.

    In the same way, the electoral effect of ring-fencing NHS and Overseas Aid expenditure was probably neutral to negative whereas no commitment or, better, a commitment to rethink the delivery of health services* together with an undertaking to re-visit the whole ethos of overseas aid might have actually gained a few votes (although I can imagine the storm of abuse which would have erupted in Islington, Farringdon Road, White City and tech colleges everywhere).

    * = even the meanest intelligence in the UK realises that the French, Germans, Scandinavians produce better health outcomes through an insurance rather than a soviet model.

  5. I thought there were closer to 14 million reasons not to play the Lottery.

  6. Does anyone in London know why Roma women hang around by the food hall door at Harrods and beg Krispy Kreme donuts from the departing customers?
    I am guessing some sort of scam is involved but what?

  7. "Funnily enough it would probably gain them votes. I suspect that there are even some Labour clients who might vote for the Conservatives if they took a rather more rigid line with the travelling and the child producing/abusing classes."

    Maybe, but I think there's an awful lot of tribal loyaty that Labour, more than any other party, relies on.

    "Does anyone in London know why Roma women hang around by the food hall door at Harrods.."

    They do? I'd have though security would have run them off sharpish!

  8. The Mail has another fantastic story from Totteridge, Barnet, Norf Lunnon this morning. An Irish traveller Family are being put up in rented accomodation - a 2mill detached house - marvellous.

    Re Krispy Kreme donuts and Roma women. I can only assume they incorporate the donuts or the filling into their brush down dipping activities. Never EVER let one try and brush something off your clothing - by the time they've finsished you will be sans wallet and anything else that can be easily removed.

    Off topic - I've just finished listening to Evan Davis' FANTASTIC interview with the UKs leader - Lord Mandelson. He really gave the slimy bastard a hard time - a great interview and one worth listeining to again.

  9. "The Mail has another fantastic story from Totteridge, Barnet, Norf Lunnon this morning."

    Yes, I saw that. I'll be posting on it tomorrow.

    "I've just finished listening to Evan Davis' FANTASTIC interview with the UKs leader - Lord Mandelson. He really gave the slimy bastard a hard time - a great interview..."

    Ooh! What with this and yesterday's savaging of Andy Burnham, is the MSM waking up at last?

  10. I don't do the lottery, look at the odds. However I think that people who do buy lottery tickets should have some say as to which 'charities' should be supported. This could be done by ticking a box when you buy a ticket, or is this too populist?
