Thursday, 6 August 2009

Where Not To Go For A Good Night Out In Maidenhead

Grant Page, manager at Phatz, said he turned the men away because he had been told that there were 100 soldiers had been drinking all day and that some of them would be heading for his bar.

He said: "Knowing what these guys do for our country it saddens me that I had to do what I did. It's heartbreaking but I have to protect my customers' interests."
Yeah, I'm sure your heart is just breaking, you cowardly little worm.

Let's hope enough people boycott your pathetic little club that you go bankrupt. Or have to start taking in chavtastic stag parties banned from Riga instead to stay afloat...


  1. Patriotic buggers aren't they? It's downright shameful.

  2. Easy tiger, his mistake was giving a reason for not letting them in. It's private property and as such the manager can refuse entry with no reason at all. This point lost on many managers and security staff.
    His decision in my humble opinion should have been based soley on profit and loss.
    I support our armed forces by paying my taxes. They chose to spend thier wages on whatever they want, its thier families and friends that should make special arrangements for them on thier return. It doesn't seem right that we should all feel obliged to do anything special because they have done a job they choose to do.
    Back to the point removing a person from private property is completely different from refusing entry. Security and owners routinely apear determined to encourage pointless discussions like this outside clubs and pubs when there is no need to.
    If there are enough chavs with enough money some one somewhere will cater for them. You wont catch me going but good luck to them. If there are enough squaddies in uniform on leave with thier monies in thier pocket someone will cater form them. The two should probably not mix. Anyone fancy a quite pint?

  3. on a seperate note chavs and wasps alledgedly share 97% of the same DNA.
    brightly coloured and stripy
    produce nothing apart from lots of themselves
    attack for no reason

  4. The question that immediately springs to my mind is, "who forewarned Phatz's manager about the squaddies?" We know that the state and police have been setting up these mass drinker monitoring systems all over the country, so I hope I'm not being too previous in presuming this was one of those.

    We live in a Temperance society. This is the root of this problem. I would guess that any manager of any establishment who has been "forewarned" feels obligated to obey the warning for fear of hassle from the police, licensing crats, other council prodnoses, etc.

  5. I love this fad of using old fashioned language. Like 'prodnoses' and was it 'licksplits'? Very Clockwork Orange. Any more will be greatfully apreciated droogs. Read North Korean propoganda printed in English to get your fill.

  6. "It's private property and as such the manager can refuse entry with no reason at all. "

    Oh, indeed. And a boycott by discerning customers and suppliers will be legal too, and bring him to heel...

    "...on a seperate note chavs and wasps alledgedly share 97% of the same DNA."

    But wasps are useful predators in the garden. Can't say the same of chavs! :)

    "The question that immediately springs to my mind is, "who forewarned Phatz's manager about the squaddies?""

    That IS a good question. And 'why'...

  7. Sit Ubu sit. Suppliers and customers are driven by different agenda. The supplier will supply as market forces dictate within boundries of concience and law. The customer will consume as funds allow and as satisfaction is met.
    The truth is quite different and more complex in that fear has become the most efficient driving force for many.
    Wasps arn't predators but I'll admit they are good for a healthy environment. They are in fact parasites, only the larvea feed other animals. Yes caught and provided by adults.
    So in so many more ways wasps are like chavs and visa versa. Thier young fed by people caught up in earning more, consuming more and paying thier taxes. The adults eating chocolate and pringles. Sugar, fat, salt and E numbers the four constiuants of a healthy chav diet.
    You realy get me going sometimes Julia ;o)

  8. "Sugar, fat, salt and E numbers the four constiuants of a healthy chav diet."

    You left out WKD. For the vitamins.. ;)

  9. Mike,
    You are really Melvin t. Gray but with added analphabetism, aren't you?
    There can't be 2 people as stupid as you on the internet at the same time can there??

  10. Thanks Marc, glad you take yourself so seriously.
    And there was me thinking that this was an opportunity to look at current affairs and some important issues raised by Julia. Have an opinion that will be respected for what it is by others even if it isn't the same as thiers. A light hearted way of expressing ourselves and a chance to meet people who similarly enjoy a bit of a rant.

    FCUK the squadies, the bar manager, the statue, chavs and wasps. They will all survive in thier worlds, doing what they do, day in day out until thier time is up. Thier life, thier choice.

    I'd lower myself to your level and attempt some personal attack but I can't be bothered and you might enjoy it.

    Julia, is hunting chavs with hounds legal?

  11. also, tnx for the smile marc. I'm left feeling like do when a child comes running with a grazed knee. Hard to hide the smirk knowing in the grand scheme the kid will be fine, trying hard to sympathise as tears flood and wails fill the air. Unsurprised as a distraction is produced and a sudden change in the child's mood is almost as dramatic as the origional performance.
    Run along.....

  12. On hunting chavs with hounds, I'm sure it isn't but they would absolutly sh1t themselves, lol
