Friday 18 December 2009

A Big, Steaming Pile…

…of NuLabour arrogance, via Anna Raccoon:
A furious row developed which left the other woman close to tears and prompted a police investigation into the minister’s behaviour.

British Transport Police even seized CCTV footage of the row. Six weeks later, the investigation has finally been closed and Mrs Baird will not now face prosecution, but the affair is a big embarrassment for the senior MP.
No it isn’t.

Nothing embarrasses these people…
According to sources, Mrs Baird took great offence at being challenged by the woman and gave her a ‘complete mouthful’.

When a police community support officer turned up to deal with the altercation, a by-now furious Mrs Baird made it clear she felt she was being humiliated and allegedly said ‘don’t you know who I am?’.
Which is just the sort of attitude you would expect from a deputy of Baroness Scotland…

According to sources, a number of officers thought charges would be brought. But, after reviewing the evidence, senior transport police officers ruled that the case be dropped.

One source claimed they ‘lost their bottle’ because of Mrs Baird’s position.

What a shocker…

Last night Mrs Baird said the mess, caused by a new puppy, was later removed by a station cleaner.

She said: ‘My new puppy was unwell and made a mess on the platform at King’s Cross some weeks ago. A member of the public complained to me and she and I had an argument.

‘As it ended, a PCSO arrived and spoke to me. I complained to the BTP about his attitude.

‘I have received an apology from the BTP and as far as I am concerned the matter is closed.’

She's received an apology..?! The sheer breathtaking gall of this woman is as hard to stomach as the thought of her dog’s crap…
She added: ‘I asked for, and got, help from the station cleaner as it was not possible to pick up the mess.’
Why not? If you have a dog, you go equipped to pick up the poop. It isn’t rocket science, sweetie. Even you should be able to figure that one out.

The bitch should have had her nose rubbed in it. And no, I don’t mean the puppy…


  1. Quite right. I had a go about this today.
    PS. I see that you have a mention in Bystander's Comments today!!!

  2. I risk a FPN for copyright infringement of the Notts Police Chief's repertoire of social phenomena equations.

    P1 + P2 = CS

    P1 represents bent UK politicians
    P2 represents bent UK police
    CS represents the corrupt state

  3. The only reassuring this about this is that everyone assumes the Labour Scum is lying and the Police are lying, and will carry on doing so until proven otherwise.

    For this, they have only themselves to blame.

  4. "‘don’t you know who I am?’."

    What are the odds of any goven member of the public recognising her? Even among blog readers who are by definition interested in politics, I doubt more than 1/50 people could recognise her from a phot.

  5. Do you know who I am?

    Are you Small from 'Big Cook, Little Cook'?

  6. "PS. I see that you have a mention in Bystander's Comments today!!!"

    Ah, that's be Ed, I suppose? He loves me really.. ;)

    "The only reassuring this about this is that everyone assumes the Labour Scum is lying and the Police are lying, and will carry on doing so until proven otherwise."

    It certainly seems so from the 'Fail' comments.

    "What are the odds of any goven member of the public recognising her?"

    Until I saw the photo, I wouldn't. Don't think I've seen a photo of her before, even in CiF...

    "Are you Small from 'Big Cook, Little Cook'?"

