Friday 18 December 2009

Pretty Much Par For The Course For SOAS…

Footage has emerged of a man being told he is "not welcome" after revealing his Jewish name at a School of Oriental and African Studies debate on Palestine.
The place is a snakepit at the best of times…
A spokesman for the London university said nobody broke hate speech rules.
Oh, that’s OK then.

Perhaps you need to look again at those ‘guidelines’? After all, if this is what they permit, exactly what would someone have to do to breach them?


  1. "what would someone have to do to breach them?"

    Perhaps a passing reference to a person's belief in Islam, practice of homosexuality, femaleness, non-white colour etc etc. would provoke a response from the University of London's Race and Hate Crime Unit.

  2. What Umbongo says.

    Or, to be fair, if a white Christian/atheist male were to say bad things about Jewish people, I think that would count as race-hate.

  3. ... which goes to show that no amount of legislation can stop people from doing what they want to do. Especially when that legislation is drawn up by political pygmies and is not tested for unintended consequences via rigorous debate and trialling.

    A return to a common sense law-making would be a relief.

  4. "What Umbongo says. "

    Yes, I think you're right.

    "... which goes to show that no amount of legislation can stop people from doing what they want to do."

    No, but it won't stop them trying, in their never-ending attempt to perfect humanity.
