Wednesday 23 December 2009

I Guess He Shot The Odd Bottle Of Vodka, Too..?

Mr Fryer added: “The shotgun was an old one and was used to hunt birds and animals on the land surrounding his home to provide for his family.”
Yes, he was desperate for food for his family, so he turned to foraging for natural resources. Very 'Swiss Family Robinson'...

But he doesn't seem to have relied totally on living off the land: the end the strain proved too much and he turned to drink and crime.

The 34-year-old of Hett Close, Ardingly, was arrested after police tried to pull over his Transit van in West Street, Lewes, on November 22.

Hudson was banned for drink driving and did not want to be caught behind the wheel.
So, what calibre do you use for a crate of Tennant's Extra and a gallon of unleaded? Is there a close season on Transit vans? Do you have to trap a young one in the wild and train it to bear you?

I'm not sure who is dumber, Hudson for trying this on, or the judge for not giving him extra jail time for such a lame excuse...


  1. So, what calibre do you use for a crate of Tennant's Extra and a gallon of unleaded?

    Anything you like, though I'd have thought in the increasingly alcohol intolerant UK there'd be a strict bag limit on the Tennants :-)

    For effective hunting of unleaded petrol I'd personally recommend tracer rounds as long as you can persuade Gordon Brown to pour a gallon in each pocket first.

  2. "The shotgun was an old one"

    Poor thing. Does cold weather play havoc with the arthritis in its' lock? Perhaps the barrels have begun to droop.

    Possession of a shiny new 12-bore, far more lethal because it wouldn't be too tired to shoot in the afternoon without a quick nap, would be a much greater offence.

  3. From the (rather unsatisfying) report in the Brighton News: Marcus Hudson ran a thriving decorating firm until it went bust.

    Hmm. Not that thriving was it?

    Hudson was banned for drink driving and did not want to be caught behind the wheel. and ...He was also banned from driving for 18 months.

    because that obviously works well.

    The shotgun ... was used to hunt birds and animals on the land surrounding his home

    I wonder if the owner of the land knew or approved?

    Hudson admitted possessing a shotgun, criminal damage and driving offences

    nowhere does the report say what criminal damage...

  4. What ever happened to the mandatory five year jail sentence for illegal possession of a firearm?

  5. " the increasingly alcohol intolerant UK there'd be a strict bag limit on the Tennants..."

    Indeed. I see the Anti-Alcohol mob north of the border are flexing their muscles again...

    "Poor thing. Does cold weather play havoc with the arthritis in its' lock? Perhaps the barrels have begun to droop."


    You often hear that said about guns in mitigation. It must work, or, like Nigerian spam emails, they wouldn't keep doing it...

    "Hmm. Not that thriving was it?"

    Doesn't look like it, no.

    "What ever happened to the mandatory five year jail sentence for illegal possession of a firearm?"

    Good point.
