Tuesday 12 January 2010

2010 Gets Off To An Early Start…

…on the ‘rare cases of women falsely crying rape’ front, as 'anon' points out on the comments to an earlier post. Let’s hope johnb is keeping track. I certainly am:
A mum-of-two staged elaborate rape scenes that sparked a massive police search because she felt lonely and wanted some attention, a court heard yesterday.
And she was remarkably inventive in getting that attention:
In April 2008 Gail Sherwood, 52, allegedly positioned herself on the outskirts of a Cotswolds beauty spot with her hands tied behind her, white bandage stuffed in her mouth and naked from the waist down before sending text messages claiming she had been raped.

Another time she covered her mouth with gaffa tape, put on rubber gloves and tied her hands together before sending out messages asking for help, the court heard.

She also had a car accident with a stranger and then allegedly told police he was her stalker, leading to the arrest of an innocent man.
Whose DNA is now on file. Still, as this probably didn’t take place in Sussex, he might stand an outside chance of getting it removed someday…

Did no-one ever doubt her stories?

Oh, yes, it seems they did, to little avail:
Sherwood was examined by doctors who raised concerns about whether her wounds were self-inflicted, but police continued to investigate.
It took yet another incident to clue them in, when yet again the examining doctor raised doubts.
On the 18 June Sherwood was arrested by police and made a confession to the crimes which she later withdrew.
And it seems she was the agent of her own undoing in not ensuring that the attention she demanded – and got – couldn’t trip her up:
After one such statement, police sent a technician to her house to install various security measures including a covert camera.

Mr Morgan said: "A covert camera was placed to face the front of her property.

"Sadly for her, that was her undoing because it proved conclusively that she had lied when she said she was kidnapped from her home and raped on 1 June."

Bonkers and stupid. What a winning combination…

DumbJon notes the emphasis on the harm to the accuser by the prosecution.


  1. "Bonkers and stupid. What a winning combination…"

    And that's just the police.

    wv: feard -- looks like google is getting "relevant" again.

  2. Incredible story. Shame we didn't get a comment on it from Harman.

  3. Pulled from files (drawers, if you will) and marked "I was raped, I wish".
    Duly investigated by Sgt Stupid with assistance from PC Bonkers.

  4. Why is this lunatic tart not wearing a special secure shirt with wrap around sleeves in a nice quiet rubber room somewhere?

    As for the police response, like so many other matters 'they' are hampered by political correctness, a corrupt ACPO company that makes profit from training in such areas and providing 'guidance', the constant hysteria surrounding rape, the pressure to get more convictions (at what cost) from sections of the government and the Criminal Justice System and a complete inability (since the infamous Thames Valley Police fly on the wall doc from 1975) to say 'FUCK OFF AND WIPE YOUR OWN ARSE' to people like this!

  5. And the punishment for this kind of crime remains: there, there love you must have issues, we understand how difficult it must be to tell the truth.

    Apart from no support for the falsely accused, inequality in the anonymity orders until a conviction is proved and handed down and the ignorance of the damage these parasitic women cause to real victims of rape. Lets see a balanced and proportionate response in case where the accuser is shown to have lied.

    In cases where there is in fact some psychological factor lock them up in a secure hospital until a doctor can put their life on the line in releasing them to become a responsible productive member of society. In cases where there is no mental angle years not months maybe this will make vengeful and malicious women think about the consequences of their sad lives and lies.

  6. Harriet Harman MP
    House of Commons
    SW1A 0AA

    Fax: 0207 219 4877


  7. "And that's just the police."

    Heh! ;)

    "Shame we didn't get a comment on it from Harman."

    Odd, that, isn't it? You usually can't get her to shut up...

    "And the punishment for this kind of crime remains: there, there love you must have issues, we understand how difficult it must be to tell the truth."

    Spot on.

  8. five men jailed.


    one woman, anonymous, that is apart from her online activities, free to do it again, and she will in one way or another.

    on balance i dare say they are all guilty of something, selfishness, lying and wasting everyone’s time.

    the system still, has failed rape victims, the falsely accused and the tax payer.

    a classic case that highlights how the system got it right in the end but monumentally destroyed so many peoples lives in the process.

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