Friday 15 January 2010

Guns Don’t Kill People…

Blog removed at the request of the teacher involved in the incident, who has contacted me to let me know that the 'Daily Fail' report was inaccurate, as the PCC notes in an extract from the letter they've sent her:

Dear Ms Smith

Now that your complaint has been resolved, a short summary of it will soon be available on the Commission’s web site. Unless we hear to the contrary by 22 February, we will assume you are happy with the summary and are content for information to be released publicly.

The wording will be as follows:

Daily Mail

Teacher Michelle Smith complained to the Press Complaints Commission that the newspaper had published a story about a personal photograph that was uploaded to her school’s website by mistake. She said the article contained inaccuracies and was generally misleading to readers as it failed to explain the full circumstances behind the taking of the photograph.

The complaint was resolved when the newspaper removed the online article and photograph. (Cl 1)


  1. The anti gun groups such as Mothers Against Violence I am sure have good intentions.

    That said they are mostly from one particular 'community' that seems disproportionately affected by 'gun crime'.

    I am treading carefully here as you may have gathered.

    Instead of getting all hysterical over a matter such as this, surely their efforts should be equally and perhaps even more forcefully targetted at the young black men who have made a lifestyle choice to be in gangs and live a gangsta lifestyle that may be short and brutish but brings certain rewards albeit, for some, for a short time only viz flashy cars, bling, gold, drugs and ho's!

    If this teacher had been posing by a large gleaming BMW, with her gold fillings and diamind infill gleaming from her mouth etc etc then maybe they'd have a point.

    Some people should put their own house in order before criticing others!

  2. They would be better targeting:

    (i) the sluts who reward these gangsta men with sex and
    (ii) the welfare state that cuckolds the taxpayer into raising their thugspawn

    If these women had to pay the price for their thugchasing rather than be rewards by the taxpayer for it, then they'd soon learn to keep their legs shut. Once that happened, the men would soon learn to drop their parody-male gangsta moves.

    Problem solved.

  3. ranter said...

    brings certain rewards albeit, for some, for a short time only viz flashy cars, bling, gold, drugs and ho's!

    What? All that and they are into gardening as well? Strange they appear to have no rakes though, or lawn mowers. Maybe they just grow veg. on the alotment?

  4. @Furor Teutonicus
    "Maybe they just grow veg. on the alotment?"

    I'm guessing maybe a few herbs.

  5. Mr T - Spot on. I faced the age old Ho or Hoe dilemma innit

  6. I remember a Goon Show episode where one character says 'I have in my hand a picture of a gun', and thereby makes them do as he says.

    You can 'deactivate' a gun by taking the bullets out. And reactivate it by putting them back in. Whether the gun is deactivated or not is irrelevant for a picture.

    If it were pointed in my direction, then it would become highly relevant.

    Best way to make children do anything is to tell them they can't have it, mustn't look, touch, smell, eat, drink or smoke it.


  7. I meant of course it would become relevent if the the real thing were pointed in my direction, not the picture.

    Just thought I'd make that clear...


  8. Of course the school could compensate by showing a picture of a teacher holding a bible.

    Showing a second similar picture should then miraculously eradicate all discipline problems.

    If it doesn't, then it's proof pictures have absolutely no effect whatsoever.

  9. "The anti gun groups such as Mothers Against Violence I am sure have good intentions. "

    That road to hell would remain a dirt track without them...

    "Best way to make children do anything is to tell them they can't have it, mustn't look, touch, smell, eat, drink or smoke it."

    Oh, indeed. So we are storing up a hell of a lot of problems for ourselves in the future.

    "Of course the school could compensate by showing a picture of a teacher holding a bible."


  10. every child, male or female, in this country should know how to use a gun to defend themselves and their country by the age of 10. anything else is unacceptable.

    the use of a gun to hurt a defenceless fly is wrong when fly spray will do

    if you have a gun it does not matter if it works or not when you point it at me because i will take the hot end and hit you it the head with the blunt end, hard
