Masamichi Hayashi, a marine ecologist and educator, has created a set of incredibly life-like robotic fish from various recycled items. The 'robo-fish' have been produced from all kinds of recycled objects, from raincoats to windscreen wipers.Sounds fascinating, doesn't it?
Hayashi's extensive knowledge of both robotics and sea creatures has resulted in an astoundingly realistic set of hand-crafted fish.
And educational too:
Hayashi has also made a series of videos documenting each of his inventions, in an attempt to broaden school chidrens' knowledge of sea creatures. His robotic fish can be seen engaging in a whole range of bizarre activities including picking up rubbish from the water and handing it to people on the shore.You know what the article doesn't have?
Any of these videos. Or even a link to them. It doesn't even have any stills from them.
Great job, 'journalists'...
Here they are.
And they wonder why the MSM is losing money.
Robot fish to go with silicon chips?
ReplyDeleteBoom tish?
I'll get me coat.
ReplyDeleteLittle wonder there's a Church of Google then, right?
ReplyDeleteAnd kudos to Angry Exile for that marvellous pun.