Tuesday 16 February 2010

Full Of Sound And Fury, Signifying Nothing...

Two court cases yesterday summed up the utter paralysed uselessness of the justice system.

First up, anyone remember Sarah-Jane Hilliard?


Well, I can understand that, there seems to be quite a few drunken, avaricious but dim tarts making false rape claims only to be caught out by Candid Camera these days.

Well, her case has finally come up (boy, those probation and psychiatric reports take a while, don't they? Stephen King could write few blockbusters in nine months...) and back in June, Judge Christopher Mitchell's warnings that she faced jail semed likely.

Nope, forget that:
...she was today given a 12-month jail sentence, suspended for two years.

Sentencing her at Basildon Crown Court in Essex, Judge Christopher Mitchell said: 'The fact is that false allegations of rape have a terrible knock-on effect.

'When women who have actually been raped make complaints there is always the background of people like you who have made false allegations and that's why it's considered so serious.'
Not so serious that she should go to jail, though?

It seems that she has a note from her mummy doctor:
Hilliard, from Basilson, was sentenced to 300 hours of community service and ordered to pay £2,000 in costs.

Judge Mitchell acknowledged that Hilliard had problems: 'I have come to the conclusion that the doctor is right in saying you ought not to go to prison.'
I wonder if that would have worked for poor innocent Grant Bowers, had the devious litle cow not been caught out by CCTV?

Meanwhile, over in Brighton, another representative of the 'sugar, spice and all things nice' community gets let off, despite showing utter contempt for the court proceedings while being sentenced:
The brunette, who has appeared semi-naked in a string of 'lads mags' and on a BBC show entitled Glamour Girls, was found guilty of assault occasioning actual bodily harm following a trial at Hove Crown Court in December last year.

Returning to the same court to be sentenced, Glover, dressed in a white coat and black miniskirt with black knee-high boots, was late, delaying the hearing.

She had to be instructed to 'shut up and listen' after calling out from the dock several times.

When prosecutor Andrew Judge told the court she had a previous conviction for assaulting a police constable in 2001, she shouted: 'No I didn't.'

Glover could also be heard murmuring when he said she had received a caution for assault occasioning actual bodily harm following an incident in London's Pacha nightclub in 2005.
And for this blatent display of contempt of court, what does she get?

Not a lot...
Judge Charles Kemp warned her she would be taken down to the cells if she refused to be quiet, before sentencing her to a 30-week prison sentence to be suspended for two years.
Wow! She must have been shaking in her Jimmy Choos. You showed her, Judge Kemp!
Quentin Hunt, in mitigation said it remained 'a mystery' how the incident had descended into such violence.

Alluding to Glover's 'difficult' past, he said there were 'very troubling aspects in her background that go some way to explaining why she has what is an extremely short fuse'.
It's no mystery, Quentin. She's simply a spoilt little bitch who has grown used to never being punished or checked in anything.

And is someone with an 'extremely short fuse' the sort of person who should be inflicted on the community?
Judge Kemp also sentenced her to carry out 180 hours of unpaid work in the community...
Doing what..?

This is what happens when there's no responsibility and no-one ever has to pay for their actions. And this is why iDave can refer to 'broken Britain' and it's one of the few things he doesn't get slated for. He's right. For once.

Sarah-Jane Hilliard and Louise Glover prove it.


  1. Its a shame that most people do not recognise that this individual is not alone. She typifies all that is what it is to be a successful woman in today's society. Unrepentant, irresponsible, insular, demanding, kept and useless.

    Where ffs did all the honest, strong beautiful women go?

  2. I know Julia

    you r the only 1

  3. When women who have actually been raped make complaints there is always the background of people like you who have made false allegations and that's why it's considered so serious.

    I love the way the primary "victim" of her false allegation is not apparently the man she accused.

  4. anon, good point well put and while we are on the subject there is no mention of how her victim/s have been compensated for their loss.

    Perhaps because not only do false accusers of rape get off scott free but the crime and its consequences are never considered either their responsibility or in fact the responsibility of the authorities responsible for perusing these malicious prosecutions.

    There are of course many victims of this woman’s crimes. Some direct and others indirect. Is it not the responsibility of the courts to award support and compensation to the direct victims of convicted criminals? There simply is no existing example of any person who has been found to be a victim of this type of crime being compensated, perhaps unsurprising if the victim is not even recognised as such.
