Tuesday 16 February 2010

State Ignorant Of Its Own Laws...

The drone, which measures 3ft between the tips of its four carbon fibre rotor blades, uses unmanned aerial vehicle technology originally designed for military reconnaissance.

Merseyside Police is one of three forces trying out the £40,000 devices which are far cheaper to use than a conventional helicopter.

In August Derbyshire police used a similar drone to monitor protests at a BNP festival in Condor.

But the police seem to have been unaware of a change of legislation on January 1, following concerns over the safety of flying unmanned aircraft in inhabited areas.

Oh, well, at least it's not just photography legislation they are ignoring when it suits them, then. But you can't help but have some sympathy for them. Who can keep up with the blizzard of legislation emitting from Parliament these days?

Not even the Attorney General, after all.

1 comment:

  1. No, Julia, this is unmanned craft from them - different other thing.
