Tuesday 23 February 2010

"Hi, everybody!"

It seems The Simpson's Dr Nick Riviera is alive and well and practising at Royal Manchester Children's Hospital:
A children's doctor cut out 90 per cent of a baby's bladder after she mistook the organ for a hernia during a bungled hospital operation, a medical tribunal heard today.

Consultant paediatric surgeon Dr Pierina Kapur, 43, failed to recognise the hernia when she carried out the operation on the seven-week-old baby girl, it was alleged.

Instead she removed almost all of the youngster's bladder by mistake then sewed up the remainder of it not realising what she had done.
She's up before a medical tribunal (I guess she hasn't yet heard about how you can avoid that little awkwardness) and they will no doubt prescribe a slap on the wrist and maybe a spot of retraining.

Retraining Programme for NHS Paediatricians:


  1. Careful Julia, you don't want to get on the wrong side of the public sector unions. Repeat after me - frontline professionals can do no wrong, frontline professionals can do no wrong....

  2. No doubt 'Lessons will be learned'?

  3. Just where would the NHS be were it not for the enormous benefits brought to us by the thousands of half-cocked, non qualified ethnic 'Doctors' that we so desperately need?

  4. I thought hospitals had a checklist for operations these days - no.6: have you left a swab/retractor/your Rolex inside the patient? - which presumably includes 'did you take out the right bit?'

  5. If this woman qualified in Britain I'll eat my hat.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. she wasn't the one that bodged a circumcision - and got the sack?

  8. "Careful Julia, you don't want to get on the wrong side of the public sector unions."

    I better not go in for any routine operations, if they ever connect me to this!

    "No doubt 'Lessons will be learned'?"

    Well, they always are. Aren't they?

    "If this woman qualified in Britain I'll eat my hat."

    I suspect your headgear is safe...

    "she wasn't the one that bodged a circumcision - and got the sack?"

