Monday 22 February 2010

The Last Word On 'Bullygate'...

...must go to Patently with a post so superb, there's nothing to add:
"Many, many commentators, journalists and former Downing Street staff claim Gordon is a bully. Lord Mandelson says he isn't. Who, I wonder, should we believe?

Surely, the leader of the Labour party could not be a bully? After all, they are the party that:

* tell us we can't smoke
* tell us we shouldn't eat too much
* tell us we shouldn't drink too much
* tell us we must have 5 a day
* tell us we shouldn't discipline children
* tell us not to drive anywhere
* tell us we can't protest against what they do
* tell us we can't take photographs of buildings
* tell us we can't take photographs of police officers
* tell us we can't even discuss immigration because that would be racist
* electronically strip-search us before we can get on an aircraft
* routinely stop and search people who go out for the evening
* want to snoop on all our emails & web usage
* tell us they know best in all aspects of our lives

And we are expected to believe that the leader of this party is a bully? That he orders his staff around and shouts at them?

Surely not?"


  1. I think there might just be a story behind the National Bullying Helpline. A fake charity?

    It seems that Ms Pratt is in the habit of recommending callers to use the services of this consultancy:
    They appear to be the sort of chancers that have been bleeding particularly the public sector dry

    Oh and it just happens to be run by Ms Pratt's husband.

  2. Ah - Ben Goldacre's on to them.

  3. Not relative to this post but wonderful none the less

    Mummy x

  4. "I think there might just be a story behind the National Bullying Helpline. A fake charity? "

    Yes, that story backfired a little once people started digging.

    But it did serve to keep the words 'Brown' and 'bullying' in the headlines... ;)

    "Not relative to this post but wonderful none the less"

    Yes, I can't help but agree with Leg-Iron that violence isn't the answer, but she sure had it coming, if anyone did!

  5. You have missed out under this lot you will not be able to practice for an olympic sport in your own country, though all other countries allow it, Pistol Shooting was banned under this lot, that is bullying at it's best.
