Tuesday 23 February 2010

Latest Excuse For Failing Schools

The spokesman also criticised Ofsted for measuring the school in Meadow Road against grammar schools in the area, which select their students based on academic achievement.

He said: “It is most unjust to use a national framework to judge schools in Gravesend, where the educational provision is so diverse.

“In an area where there are successful selective schools, it is unfair to expect non-selective schools to reach the same targets as in areas where all schools are comprehensive.
Yup. St George’s CofE School in Gravesend is advancing the suggestion that it isn't fair to measure them against normal standards when the grammar schools have creamed off the brighter pupils, and they are left with the dregs...

Oh, boy. Wouldn't want to be a representative of the school on the next Parent's Day, would you?

But don't they have a point?


  1. Grammars schools, massively outperforming state schools? Who would have thought that!

    All schools should have entrance examinations, state included. All those failing should be made to face the fact that they are not academically gifted, and offered vocational training. Those who prove useless at both should be allowed to leave school.

    PS No benefits for anyone (except the mentally and physically disabled) without a graduation diploma from one of these institutions or 5 years tax contributions. Sink or swim. That's the real world.

  2. Aren't CofE schools themselves selective taking as they do from families who (proport to) believe in a sky fairy?

    And are those families not, in general terms, ones who care about their children's education?

    Anyone want to bet that the results this school achieves are better than the local bog standard comp?

  3. Clarssa,

    Your argument would have had some weight until fairly recently, when the Lab Gov forced C of E schools to accept al sorts who would have previously been excluded, and indeed the C of E sold out to PC zeitgeist clap-trap.

    Sky fairy? Surely you're confusing the Christians with some other, infamously peaceful, religion?

  4. Did you see that it's all Ofsted's fault? They used

    " ... a new framework brought in last September, which focuses on vulnerable teachers and children."

    What the heck is a 'vulnerable teacher'?

  5. If we are all intrinsically equal then there is no best to cream off.

  6. All schools should have entrance examinations, state included. All those failing should be made to face the fact that they are not academically gifted, and offered vocational training.

    Good idea. it could be called ... ooh ... how about the Eleven Plus

  7. "All schools should have entrance examinations, state included."

    Agreed! But sadly, in our 'prizes for all' society, that's becoming increasingly unlikely...

    "Aren't CofE schools themselves selective taking as they do from families who (proport to) believe in a sky fairy?"

    Yes, and are usually seen as a far better option than the usual comprehensive school as a result, as you point out.

    "What the heck is a 'vulnerable teacher'?"

    Beats me...

    "Good idea. it could be called ... ooh ... how about the Eleven Plus"


  8. I must be missing something...surely the Whitehall commissars who closed down all the grammar schools have always maintained that their wonderful comprehensive system would deliver the same results as the grammar schools did - but for all children?

    So comparing the nasty elitist selective grammars against this fine, non-selective, equal opportunity, fair to all local comp is exactly what they should be doing?

    It's ok though, when they've finished fiddling the figures I'm sure they'll get the right answer.
