Tuesday 23 February 2010

YONA Go Wild In Orpington...Again

Six boys have been charged with public disorder after a large-scale disturbance in a shopping centre.

Police were called to Orpington High Street at 3.45pm on Sunday (February 21) after receiving reports youngsters were throwing bricks at cars, terrorising shopkeepers and moving traffic equipment into the road.
Oh dear.

And so soon after the last incident, too...


  1. Yonas are easy to identify, they are not white.

  2. Given the addresses of those arrested it's highly likely that these scumbags are of a different demographic from those involved in November's incident; 'traveller' rather than Afro-immigrant.

  3. I don't see what the mystery is. Why on earth don't they say where these people originate from. What is the problem?

    Could it be that most crime is actually perpetrated by foreigners now?

  4. Quite, Sue.

    If they've nothing to hide, they've nothing to fear...

  5. Yup, certainly semi-house trained pikey scum from 'The Crays' - drove through them the other day, didn't see a BEM anywhere.

  6. Just another reason to advocate hunting chavs with hounds. So, red coats out, sound the horn and off we jolly well go.

    I'd just love to see the terror on the faces of chavs, gangstas and gypo scum seeing a traditional hunt and pack of hounds charging towards them. They'd scatter like rats.

  7. "Given the addresses of those arrested it's highly likely that these scumbags are of a different demographic from those involved in November's incident; 'traveller' rather than Afro-immigrant."

    Really? Intriguing...

    "Yup, certainly semi-house trained pikey scum from 'The Crays' - drove through them the other day, didn't see a BEM anywhere."

    Hmm, haven't been to Orpington in years. Thought it was quite nice when I was there though. It now seems to have several flashpoint areas!
