Thursday 18 March 2010

I Don't Supposed It Occurred To You Whining Cretins... simply turn off the radio before closedown?
...Radio 4 listeners have launched a campaign to stop the station playing the anthem at the end of broadcast - because it stops them drifting off.

One disgruntled listener, Jo Meredith, told BBC Radio 4's Feedback programme: 'Am I supposed to abandon the warmth of my duvet and leap to my feet and stand to attention at the side of my bed?

'Radio 4 should catch up with modern times and cease this jingoistic gesture.'
I've never listened to Radio 4.

But I'll immediately start, if the controller writes back to this whinging old bag, points out that she can, if she wishes, do as I've suggested, and that if she decides to stop listening as a result of this refusal, well, bloody good riddance!


  1. I listen to R4 a lot as I do a lot of driving. There aren't any decent music channels without some irritating presenter and LBC is full of smug presenters and lunatic callers. R4 is pleasant enough, sometimes entertaining and amusing with the exception of 'You and Yours', 'MoneyBox Live', anything about Africa/immigrants and anything with Lenny Henry in it. Anyone would think he's the new Olivier these days. I even enjoy Gardeners Question Time 'cos it is so bizarre and even 'Ramblings' with Clare Balding, although that grated the other week when she had a 'Queer' ramblers group on and a couple of Millie Tants kept saying 'Queers' anad 'Dykes' - -very strange and very irritating. There is a programme on once a week hosted by Roger Bolton where moans and praise are discussed and programme makers, producers, commissioning editors etc are asked to repond. The moany old windbag you mentioned was broadcast and my response was like yours only I resembled a red faced lunatic as I shouted at the car radio. As the word 'jingoism' was mentioned I had visions of a demented grey haired, smelly old Trotskyite wrapped in a copy of The Morning Star. I really don't understand some of these people.

  2. I feel for poor Jo Meredith. She's be quite chilly in her jim-jams and no doubt alone as she 'stood to attention'

    I suggest she pops down to Wooton Basset for the next repatriation.

    That way she'll be able to wrap up warm and certainly won't be alone.

    Failing that she can throw herself under a truck. The silly mare

  3. Maybe this is a better national anthem for her:

  4. My wireless is tuned to Radio 4 pretty well permanently. Partly at least, I have to admit, because I've forgotten how to work the station presets and can't be arsed retuning manually.

    The national anthem comes on at about 00:59 and the music is no louder and no more disturbing than the voice of the continuity announcer preceding it.

    The frequency (on VHF anyway) then carries the BBC World Service, world-famous for its irritating jingles and sigs, until R4 reopens at 05:20. Assuming that these whining cretins, as you so aptly describe them, do not want the radio playing all night, they will have to make the effort to switch it off at some stage anyway.

  5. Honestly! Last week it was: “post hoc ergo propter hoc”, now it’s: “I’ve never listened to Radio 4”.This is an infuriating blog at times: it contains entire phrases in a bloody foreign language!

    BTW I have never understood why they call it Radio 4. The use of this numerical suffix erroneously implies that a wireless is capable of being re-tuned to pick up three additional channels. This can only lead to confusion.

    [damn it! Others have done the full indignant Radio 4 Mode before me]

  6. What a dullard, she could always invest in a radio that switches itself off at a reset time. It's not new technology ffs.

  7. Bring back the Home Service and the Light Programme, I say.

    "I 'ad that Mr 'Orne in the back of the cab last week, Sandy. He didn't 'alf put up a fight."

  8. "As the word 'jingoism' was mentioned I had visions of a demented grey haired, smelly old Trotskyite wrapped in a copy of The Morning Star. "

    A typical complainer to the Radio 4 forum, in other words..? ;)

    "Maybe this is a better national anthem for her.."

    Heh! Especially played loud at closedown...

    "...they will have to make the effort to switch it off at some stage anyway."

    Or as nbc suggests, get a radio with timer. But then, that's never quite as much fun as exerting your will over everyone else, for the Jo Merediths of this world, is it?

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. As the word 'jingoism' was mentioned I had visions of a demented grey haired, smelly old Trotskyite wrapped in a copy of The Morning Star."

    Poor old Michael Foot - doesn't even get a coffin for his funeral.
