Thursday 18 March 2010

Not Really, Charlie... know why?

Because if anyone tried, that chap who always follows you around (he's the one who doesn't put toothpaste on the toothbrush for you, in case you were confused) would shoot them!
The Prince replied: “The difficult thing is to ask them to pick it up without being stabbed.”
Of course, it's not like there are people around who are eager to believe that life for teenagers is just a constant, totally-random dice with death, is there?

Lyn Costello, of the charity Mothers Against Murder and Aggression, said the Prince’s comment would resonate with people across Britain.

She said: “It’s reassuring to see that the Prince of Wales knows what it going on in society...
Lyn, sweetie, if I'm sure of anything in this life, it's this: Prince Charlie knows as much about what is going on in society as a blobfish.

Blobfish. Lives at the bottom of the sea.

In fact, I may well be doing the blobfish a disservice...


  1. Normally I'm 100% behind what you say. But, in this case, you and the blobfish have more than a little in common.
    Try telling some snag-toothed six-fingered feral git round here to pick up his Stella can/Dogshit/Royals packet/stop spitting on the pavement right outside my front foor and he WILL fucking stab you, and then stamp your head into strawberry jam when you're down on the floor. Of course, on the mean streets of Walton-on-Thames it may well be different.

  2. It's likely that the Prince was exercising a little dry humour, and the Mad Mother took him literally.

    And, as it happens, I've been threatened with severe injury for asking a shitehawk to pick up his litter.

  3. Charlie has a point, but I suspect his 'knowledge' comes second hand from the newspapers.

  4. Is there a charity called 'mothers for murder and aggresssion? I thhink that both sides of the argument should be heard.

  5. Have to say, Charlie does have a point and bravely says so when our politicians won't (except for the scaredy cat kebab woman Jaqui Smith, subsequently sacked).

  6. "Try telling some snag-toothed six-fingered feral git round here to..."

    Oh, I don't suggest for a moment that there's really no areas, and no teenagers, that do fit that bill, as Greencoat points out.

    But for not-so-bonny Prince Charlie to imply that it's universal is a nonsense.

    "It's likely that the Prince was exercising a little dry humour..."

    Could well be. His dad is famous for it, after all!

    "Is there a charity called 'mothers for murder and aggresssion? I thhink that both sides of the argument should be heard."

    I'd have thought that side was most often heard from in your dock, Bystander? ;)

    "...except for the scaredy cat kebab woman Jaqui Smith..."

    Ah, yes, in herr stab vest, surrounded by a phalanxe of cops...
