Tuesday 16 March 2010

OK, Guys, You Win...

...those 'women driver' jokes may have a point after all:
This motorist was spotted by police driving with her car bonnet wide open, peering through the tiny gap to see where she was going.

When incredulous officers pulled her over, the 53-year-old woman told them the bonnet was faulty and she was on her way to get it repaired.

The woman had been using a four inch gap between her dashboard and the bonnet to steer her car through a busy seaside town.
Police are still investigating the incident and deciding whether to press charges.


  1. It is dispiriting that people have so little by way of initiative these days.

  2. Stupid woman. She should have closed the bonnet & reversed to the garage.

  3. "...deciding whether to press charges."


    What's to decide? She's a motorist and therefore must be presumed guilty of genocide almost as soon as she turns the key ;-) Being serious what this mouth breather did was stupid enough to be worth a trip to court for a dozen other motorists to decide how fuckwitted a decision it was. As for how severe a punishment it warrants I'd suggest a fine of exactly twice what AA membership would have cost the silly bitch.

  4. bonnet was faulty

    A part of the story must be missing. A bonnet is held down by TWO catches. If the first is faulty, the bonnet rises a couple of inches and is caught by the second. That is why when you open your bonnet (if you ever open your bonnet) you have to pull the bonnet release inside the car, then grope under the bonnet to release the second one. For neither to be working, her bonnet had either had the catch plate deliberately removed, or had been bent badly out of shape (in an accident?).

    And even then, even with no catches, if you drive SLOWLY the bonnet will stay down under its own weight. (I suppose tying it down was beyond her?)

  5. "She should have closed the bonnet & reversed to the garage."


    "...what this mouth breather did was stupid enough to be worth a trip to court for a dozen other motorists to decide how fuckwitted a decision it was."

    It's very much a no-brainer, wouldn't you think?

    "A part of the story must be missing. A bonnet is held down by TWO catches."

    Indeed. It never ceases to amaze me, though, the state of some motorist's windscreens. Dirty, icy, covered in snow with a little 'porthole' to see through. How do they drive like that?!
