Tuesday 16 March 2010

Good Dog! Bad State!

A judge has praised a hero dog after he chased off a sex attacker who indecently assaulted a woman in a park.

Two-year-old Rottweiler Jake was on his usual evening walk with owner Liz Maxted-Bluck, 49, when he heard screaming from a dense woodland and ran to investigate.

He found Esmahil Adhami, 18, molesting a woman he had dragged into the undergrowth.

The fearless hound lunged at the illegal immigrant and chased him away...
Let's hope the judge awarded him a juicy bone from the poor box. Though if he'd been a little bit faster, masybe he could have had something with some meat on it...

The attacker was quickly caught. And that's where this story goes from 'GOOD DOG!' to 'BAD STATE!'
Police caught Adhami hours later and discovered he was in the county illegally after a failed asylum application.

The court heard that just weeks before the attack in the park, Adhami had been arrested by police after he groped a 13-year-old girl, but was released on bail.
Wait, what?

He was released on bail despite committing a sex crime on a minor while illegally in the country?
Adhami was also placed on the sex offenders register or life, banned from having contact with girls under 16 and told he was likely to be deported upon his release from prison.
'Likely to be'..?


  1. /palmforehead

    No, wait, don't tell me, locking him up would have breached his human right to a family life or access to an appeal lawyer or some other crap.

  2. "placed on the sex offenders register" I somehow doubt that this will worry him.

  3. Was the dog insured against attacking other people? Did Esmahil Adhami sue the owner?

    Inquiring minds and all that...

  4. It was the 'likely' that struck me too.

    FFS! Surely this is bad enough to guarantee deportation. If not, what on earth would you have to do? On second thoughts, I don't want to know.

  5. I'm surprised the dog owner wasn't prosecuted under the dangerous dog's act.

  6. Just imagine, a dog that will bite sex offenders and illegal immigrants. That really would be man's best friend....

  7. "No, wait, don't tell me, locking him up would have breached his human right to a family life or access to an appeal lawyer or some other crap."

    I wouldn't be a bit surprised...

    "If not, what on earth would you have to do? On second thoughts, I don't want to know."

    Me neither!

    "Just imagine, a dog that will bite sex offenders and illegal immigrants. That really would be man's best friend...."

    Indeed! I wonder if there's a training course for it...
